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"Let me help you figure it out." He says as he transfers his hands to my waist to pull me closer to his figure.

"Oh please just-" I try to deny his idea but he places his lips on mine. I suddenly feel light headed, this feels different than yesterday. Yesterday felt like a distraction but today this  kiss felt erotic. I move my hands to rest on his chest as I sweetly kiss him back.

I pull away quickly, and look at him trying to plead that he discard his idea. He lazily stares into my eyes with a smirk.

"I know you're confused, Omera. Let me help you." He says. I notice he moves his hands as he talks but he tries to keep them glued to my waist. I can't help but smile at that, it's pretty cute.

"I am a bit." I admit but before he could answer I immediately cut in. "But I can't...I'm kinda still..." I struggle to find the words without letting myself feel weird. The spanking from yesterday had an impact on me and I haven't recovered yet. I turn towards him to see if he gets what I'm implying.

"Still?" He questions. "Still unsure?"

"No. Just..." I blush quickly and decide I should just spit it out. "I'm still sore." I say shyly and I look down at my hands that rested on his chest. I look up to see his reaction only to see him in thought. He turns to me and smirks quickly before connecting our lips again.

My eyes widen but I quickly close them, and I sigh in relief. Did he drop the topic? I kiss him back and use this time to push his hair away from his face.

I pull back to catch my breath as I play with the traces of his hair. He groans at the actions, his eyes are shut as he takes in the feeling.

He quickly grabs a fistful of my hair and connects our lips again.

I realize that he didn't just decide to leave the subject from earlier when his hands travel up my skirt. He feels my bum and groans in disappointment when he realizes I wore boy shorts instead of regular panties. He draws his hand back and lands a firm slap.

I gasp as I disconnect from him, he looks at me with lust in his eyes. I can't help but feel turned on at the motion, I bite my lip and lean to kiss him again. He draws his hand back and slaps me again, I bite his lip to suppress the moan but this only results in him grunting in pleasure.

"Mm...baby girl." He whispers against my lip as he lands me another slap. He pulls away from me and turns me so I'm the one facing the table. He presses his hard on against me andI move back to press against him but he bends me over the desk. He harshly grabs my ass and kneads it. I bite my lip and squeeze my eyes shut as he moves away from me.

"Thank me for each one, darling." He whispers in a deep voice. He grabs a fistful of my hair which I have down in loose waves today.

"Yes, Sir..." I trail as I anticipate the slap. He gives me another rub before he spanks me. "One, thank you Mr. Howell."

He slaps me again and again. This time I don't feel confused or embarrassed. By the tenth slap I moan.

"Touch me...please." I plead, I'm breathless as the punishment continues.

"You need to be punished." He states as he continues. I ignore the next slap, and moan.

"Please Mr. How-" I'm cut off by the sound of the bell ringing. I quickly get up and blush, Mr. Howell seems in a daze as I grab my stuff. "See you at lunch." I quickly say the pathetic goodbye as I run out of the classroom. I ignore my obvious horniness as I run to the cafeteria.


Once I enter the cafeteria I quickly notice I'm one of the few people who are early. I quickly make my way to my seat and let out a breath.

What just happened in there? I let Mr. Howell spank me and I enjoyed it. I let myself go into a state of utter horniness and need in front of my teacher. My very hot and dominant teacher.

My cheeks burn with embarrassment as I think back to what I did back there.

Isn't this illegal? I remember seeing mug shots of teachers and the words "Sex with Minor" spread across the TV. However, I am already eighteen and we never had sex.

This is wrong though, I just don't exactly know how. I need to get my phone from Mr. Howell and just run away from here, I'm fitting into the stereotype porn for situations like these. I can't let that happen.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Maci asks while snapping her fingers in front of my face. I notice the cafeteria is almost full as more students enter.

"Nothing, why?" I question her back.

"Well you went to Mr. Howell, I thought..." She trails, hinting at the next part of her sentence.

"Oh..." I think for a while. Should I tell her? I immediately discard the idea, I can't trust her. I barely even know her. "Nothing, he just wanted to know why I missed class yesterday."

She nods. "Oh, great."

I turn away from her and refrain from reaching over to my bum and feel the aftermath of what went down. By now, everyone is in the cafeteria but there was no sign of Mr. Howell.

Mrs. Wickenburg stands and everyone immediately quiets down. "Good afternoon, girls. You might all already know but the Autumn Welcome is almost here, so don't get into too much trouble. Other than that, enjoy your lunch." She quickly says, the younger girls run to the lunch line, almost all the seniors ignore it.

"What is the Autumn Welcome?" I ask Maci. Before she could answer a girl walking past cuts in.

"Only the most boring school dance ever." The tall blonde takes a seat at our almost empty table. She has one other girl with her, the girl has ginger locks but it seems dyed. She scans us both as her friend converses with a creepy smile.

They give a vibe of pure evil and I begin to like it. Although, I don't think these girls know what they're doing. As if being bad is just their dream. I don't speak on it, let them do what they want.

"It isn't that bad." Maci argues back.

"Please, I'd rather get my face slashed open." The girl responds with an eye roll. "You're into those boring things anyways, Maci."

"No one asked for your opinion, Zola." Maci spits back.

"Anyways, is this that new girl back talker?" Zola asks.

"You must be the tacky bitches who think they own the place." I say back, not really paying attention to her.

She laughs. "You're funny."

Before I could inform her I'm not joking,
I hear the doors open as Mr. Howell walks in looking slightly red and his hair pushed out of his face just the way I left it. He looks a bit sweaty and his lips are especially pink . He avoids looking at me as he quickly rushes to his seat, ignoring Mrs. Wickenburg's questioning look.

He slightly glances at me but he looks away so quickly that I mentally question if I'm just seeing things.

What's wrong?

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