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"It doesn't make any sense at all. Why would you be so cruel?" Maci asks me after I explain my plan to her. She hugs one of pillows on my mother's couch as I type at my mother's desk.

I pause and turn to her briefly. "Have you seen the things she's done to me?"

"No matter how evil she is, why stoop to her level? You apologized and now she'll leave you alone, why start it all over?" Maci questions me further, she looks at me a bit differently as she says this. I roll my eyes instantly and turn back to the laptop, I pull up Tia's father's case and search for an address.

"She hurt me and you expect me to be a little crybaby and do nothing about it?" I say a bit offended at her words.

"You're not a crybaby, in the end Tia will think you were being the better person. She still has harsh feelings, why prove her right about you?" Maci keeps a calm tone.

"Why should I care what she thinks?" I shrug.

"So you're going to keep this negative image?" Maci questions with a raised eyebrow.

"Keep? What are you trying to say?" I look at her dead in the eyes, I choose to take my attention away from the laptop for now.

"You're acting like a monster. You gave her a black eye and stole the man she loves. Isn't that enough revenge?" Maci looks serious as she asks this and with a bit of concern.

"I'm sick of all you people saying I stole Dan away from her because I didn't. There was no stealing because she never had him." I point out with annoyance.

"Technically she did like him before you did." Maci argues back.

"Maci, Dan and I started talking in the very first week of school. I didn't even know who Tia was." I look at her as if she were stupid, just so she would see that I'm right.

"Don't you feel the slightest bit bad for her? Imagine if you were in that position."  Maci tries another time to persuade me to stop my plan.

"If I were in her position, I wouldn't be playing little games with a girl who beat the shit out of me." I state leaving Maci at a loss for words, after a quick pause I speak again. "Now tell me, if there was a mouse eating all your snacks, would you try to be the bigger person and ignore the pest? No, you try to exterminate it. That's exactly how I see it."

"But Omera-"

"Just be quiet, Maci. If I'm doing something wrong then I'll get what's coming to me. You know you have to try a few traps before you kill the mouse." I wave her off as I turn back to my laptop.

I glance at Maci and suddenly I feel something click, she has Tia's number and she seems to be too much on her side. I can only assume that Maci has been talking to her, I shouldn't ask her however. I shouldn't have trusted Maci, there's too much doubt in my mind now about her. I should keep her phone away from her and maybe tell her that I agree with her little speech later.


"I still don't understand why I'm here."

I scoff. "Really? I described it pretty well in the text."

He pulls out his phone and scrolls around a bit. "You just wrote, Come to the coffee shop  by the main road. I got stuff to talk about. How is that a good description?" Rumor Boy questions.

"I'll admit, it was kinda vague but-" I begin to point out but he cuts me off.

"Kind of? Let's not waste time now." He points out as he looks through the menu with his tongue poked out.

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