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I don't stop him, it's pointless.

I angrily stomp to my room, I don't care what noise I make. I'm furious.I usually handle rejection pretty well. I move from boy to boy quickly but I don't know why Mr. Howell's rejection hurt me the most. Maybe it's the fact that he's an older teacher, I probably saw this as some type of challenge.

I don't like him, I just want to claim him.

I slow down as I consider the thought for a while. There no way I actually liked him, I just want to tackle this challenge before I leave. This will make a good story when I get home. I slept with the hottest teacher at my boarding school, broke his heart, and left.

It's perfect revenge for how much he's hurt my feelings.

I smile brightly as the idea begins to grow in many different directions. How will I get him to that point when he keeps backing off? I'll just have to catch him at a random time and not mention anything about cutting ties. I'll have him wrapped around my finger in a few weeks.


I make sure to be extra early for class the following day. I sit at my desk with sly smile as I await the presence of Mr. Howell. Maci knocks on my desk as she passes, I only offer her a wink.

This is one of the very few days that I'm enjoying the uniform. It saved me time this morning to get my hair and makeup in place.

"Everyone settle down." Mr. Howell calls out as he walks over to his desk. He sets down his work and I take that time to study him. He wore his white button up shirt, he seems as if he were running late. He pulls his hair out of his face, making him look incredibly attractive. He grabs his head as if to caress a pain, a headache maybe.

His eyes connect with mine, he scans my face quickly. He probably notices how much I gave a shït about my appearance today. He bites his lip but quickly turns away from me and faces the class.

"Our first story will not be a book. We will be reading The Tell Tale Heart by Edgar Allen Poe." Mr. Howell announces. I vaguely remember reading it in eight grade. I remember that it's a bit similar to an episode of SpongeBob. The episode about hiding the boots under the floorboards.

"Get out your notebooks and begin writing down anything you know about this story or the author. If you do not know anything, predict what the story might be about." Mr. Howell instructs. I notice I don't have my notebook due to the various occasions I've skipped class. He has just been lecturing us for the last few classes and handing out worksheets. I hadn't noticed that my notebook hadn't been returned.

I raise my hand. "Sir?"

"Yes, Ms. Williams." He points me out, I make a face at the name but proceed anyways.

"You haven't given me my notebook back yet, Sir." I give him a mischievous half smile.

"Oh, I must have forgotten due to your many absences. Stay after class, we have to talk about that. For now, write on a piece of loose leaf." He brushes me off. Oh, a chance alone? Perfect.

I take out a piece of paper and begin writing my answer. I know exactly what the story is about, I scribble down my answer and wait for him to stop everyone.

"What do you think or know about the the plot of The Tell Tale Heart?" He asks breaking us all from our work. A few hands shoot up, I just shamelessly look him up and down, I hope he notices my glare.

If he does notice, he doesn't indicate it. He chooses a girl in the back to answer. I continue looking at him as I hear her response.

"The Tell Tale Heart is about a man who kills an older man. He hides the body under the floorboards. Two cops come over to the house to question the man. He hears the older man's-"

"Excuse me." I cut off her horrible explanation. Mr. Howell's gaze turns to me with a slight glare because I broke his 'no calling out' rule.

"Yes, Ms. Williams?" He ignores my rudeness.

"She's giving away the whole story. How will we be able to make inferences and predictions about it when we already know what happens?" I complain to him. He relaxes a bit and nods.

"You are correct about that, Ms. Williams. Anyone who has read the story can not answer." He announced quickly. I turn to look at the girl who was talking, she shoots daggers through her eyes as she looks at me. I roll my eyes and turn away from her to focus on the class.

I guess I made one more enemy.


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