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The minute we walk through the door I am ready to fuck him on the spot but I come face to face with Phil.

I like Phil, he's an okay guy. I may have destroyed our chance at having a regular friendship, and have been trying to fix it for the past few days. At this point, I'm not in the mood for an awkward conversation or a poor attempt at fixing what's been broken so I decide to push past him.

"Blast some music." I offer some advice to him with a little wink. Dan slows down a bit behind me but I grab ahold of his wrist and yank him closer, leaving Phil to stand there scratching his head before he realizes what I mean.

"It's so weird how much of an effect a few words has on you." He observes with a chuckle as I try my best to pull him. He seems to enjoy my struggling and decides to make my job harder. I am not the strongest person, I'll admit it.

"Come on, you'll have me tired by the time we're at your room." I whine as I continue pulling him. He sighs in disappointment when he realizes I'm right and he'll have to stop messing around.

We enter his room, and I shut the door behind me quietly, just so I don't disturb Phil, but it becomes quite evident that he left when I hear the front door slam. I turn to Dan and grab a fistful of his shirt and pull him toward me with a bit of force.

He smiles a bit as he watches my focus and I can't help but crack a smile too. However, the minute I pull him in for kiss, his smile melts off and is replaced with seriousness. He slides the jacket off my shoulders, and I try wiggling free from it too.

I push him slightly until his legs hit the bed, and with another shove his gracefully falls down on it as if he's ready to take a nap. Before I climb on too, I slip off my white shirt that throw it behind me, along with my bra.

"I wanted to do that." He complains, but I roll my eyes playfully.

"Do you want me to put it back on just for you?" I sarcastically ask, he thinks about it and nods. "Are you serious?"

"I am." He confirms, and I groan. I slip my bra back one with clear agitation, and he only seems amused, sitting up at the edge of the bed, when I walk over to him.

"There you go, you big baby." I say and I walk and stand between his legs. He gives me an innocent smile, as he reaches up to unclip it once again.

"I just like watching them fall out." He confesses, I slap his shoulder just to hide my blush. Even if the only light we have was the street lights from the window, I'm afraid he would see it. He reaches to the button of my jeans and flicks it open, as he slowly pulls them down.

"You're right, your legs do feel soft." He whispers, I don't know why all his comments don't spark any sarcastic remarks, just my shyness. Maybe because I'm stood in front of him practically naked, and he's still in his black jeans, shirt, and jacket.

I grab his jacket and slide it down his shoulders, he immediately takes it right off and stands up as he does so. He stares down at me with a look so unreadable that it makes me want to grab my shirt and run out of the room.

"Why are you so scared?" He whispers, I shut my eyes and feel goosebumps rise on my whole body.

"I'm not." I deny.

"You're lying." He observes as he grabs my waist and pulls me toward him. I hide my chest as he does so, but he doesn't seem to notice.

He presses a kiss to my forehead, and for some reason it relaxes me. He keeps his lips there for a second and I feel his breath hit my forehead.

He turns so that now the bed is to my back, the light from the passing cars illuminate his face slightly more now, I move my hands and grab the bottom his shirt and pull it up. He slips it off immediately, and I take the opportunity to get onto the bed.

All the ice cream must have filled up my stomach because it looked a bit bigger, and I couldn't help but feel a bit insecure about it. I flip over and lay on my back to hide it, but it doesn't last long. I'm flipped back onto my back, I immediately feel his lips on my neck and his hands groping my breasts.

His skin, which is much warmer than mine, makes me arch my back just so I could feel more of it. He smiles into my neck and moves one of his hands into my panties. I feel my ears go hot, and my eyes squeeze shut.

"Oh." I moan a bit as I feel a bit of pressure. My hands, which were on his shoulders, loosen a bit.

"I sure hope I'm doing this right." He mutters and I can't help but burst out in laughter.

"You're good." I assure him and he lifts his head from my neck and looks at me with a small smile.

"Thanks." He nods as he discards his fingers and pulls down my underwear. He sits up a bit and removes his jeans, along with his underwear as well.

"Look." He catches my attention as he looks through his jeans, he pull out a condom packet. "I remembered."

"Congratulations." I sarcastically give him an applause. He does a slight bow as I do so, and I giggle. He slips on the condom and goes back to where I am.

"I hope I get this right too." He jokes as he lays between my legs.

"You're so dumb." I laugh as I take in his focus. He slaps my thigh, making me jump.

"No need to get feisty." He points out.

"I don't think you used the word right." I respond a bit unsure.

"I think I did, it means you're acting up with me, with a hint of aggression." He explains as he looks at me.

"No, it means I'm playing hard to get." I ask in confusion.

"What? Where do you get that idea from? I'm an English teacher, I think I know what the word means." He retaliates.

"You don't know everything." I argue.

"Do you want me to search it up for you then?" He questions me with a raised eyebrow.

"What are we even talking about this? Just fuck me so I could go to sleep." I roll my eyes, and he shrugs. He quickly enters me, burying his head into my neck.

That was the weirdest foreplay ever but he made up for it when I felt him throb inside of me. I can't help but bite my lip as he continues to slam into me.

"Fuck." He groans into my neck, he bites down a bit too hard but I barely notice it until he lets go and I feel the pain.

"You're going to break my pelvic bone, slow down." I groan, he lifts his head from my neck, stopping his movement only to make me feel that throbbing inside me again.

"Isn't that the goal?" He sarcastically asks.

"Shut up." I respond and he chuckles. He does slow down a bit but the force is still there. I decide to just accept it because he begins hitting all the right spots. I let a string of curse words leave my mouth as we both finish.

"I love you." He whispers into my neck.



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Currently have the plague, curse my immune system for letting me down. It's not serious though, just a stuffed nose and horrible headaches.

I had a dream I wrote a chapter about Dan eating Omera out and he sneezes. That's when I woke up with a cold myself. Maybe it's a punishment from the higher being(s).

Next update is on Tuesday though!

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