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"The first lesson for today is learning to speak properly."

Another day, another shaved head.

People seemed to have stopped being shocked, it happens almost everyday. I don't know who in their right mind wouldn't put their hair in a bun for goodness sake. Or maybe the bun is too messy so that's why their head was shaved.

Who cares?

It seemed to be a schedule for me to get to English class early after breakfast.

"Good morning, Sir." I salute Mr. Howell, I feel my stomach twist in delight as I see him. Something about him seemed almost...I couldn't quite place my finger on it. Dark maybe?

I make sure the door is shut behind me, and I place my hands on his desk, trying to take in his appearance, he looked so touchable.

"Omera, what are you doing?" He doesn't acknowledge me too much. He only continues to write in his little booklet.

"Just admiring you. You look very..." I try thinking of a word to fit him. His black colored shirt has a few buttons undone, and his hair is messy, kind of like bed head. His eyes seemed so captivating, and his lips were a bit pink from him biting it.

He stops writing and peers up at me, as if he was waiting for a word. "Very what?"

"I can't describe it." I stare at him for a second before a word pops up in my mind.

"Fuckable." I let it bounce off my tongue. He doesn't seem caught off guard, he only lets out a breath.

"Is that so?" He questions, he grabs ahold of my face harshly.

I squeak in surprise.

He seems to like the sound, so he gets up, bringing his face close to mine. I don't know what it was, but this feeling takes me back to my first week here.

The door bursts open and Tia rolls her eyes as she watches us quickly pull apart. "Don't get too comfortable."

I blush.


I stand in front of his door, trying to gather my words before I say them. I didn't have a student government meeting today, so I took it as a sign to see Mr. Howell.

What would I say?

"Hey, you look so hot today. The past is the past, let's just enjoy the present."

I need to seem like my intention isn't to just hook up. So what's a good distraction?

The health test?

"Hey, I wanted to know something about my test- oops. It fell to the floor, I guess I have to...bend over and pick it up."

Oh my god, no.

"I'd like to know if I can tutor after school for extra credit? Because I got a hundred and maybe I need help too?"

It's better than nothing.

I knock with my test in hand.

His door opens after a few seconds, first a crack and then when he sees me, it opens wider. "Hey, I just wanted to know if-"

The door shuts swiftly and I hear the lock, and soon I'm pinned up against it.

Well, that's ten minutes of thinking gone down the drain.

He connects our lips, I feel faint.

Any signs of heartache vanish and I'm left with my heart beating fast and my insides heating up. There's a tornado in my stomach, twisting and turning my insides, yet it makes me feel happy.

His hands grip my wrist tighter. I try breaking free but I can't, the feeling of being trapped makes the tornado wilder. I don't know whether that's a good thing or a bad thing.

I just want him...inside me.

He disconnects our lips, there's a bunch of saliva on my upper lip that just smells of coffee, and a distinct smell of him. Am I crazy for loving his natural scent?

He stares, his mind is blank but mine is filled. Is he going to tell me to leave? Break it off again? Feel guilty for giving in?

"Why are you doing this?" I break the silence, I don't want to play back and forth like this. One day he's telling me we shouldn't be together and the next he has me pressed up against a wall. All I do is allow it to happen.

"I just..." He seems lost as he continues looking at me.

"You can't jump like this, just pick a side. Do you want me or not?" I ask hoping it's not the latter.

"You're leaving next week." He says quietly, ignoring my question.

I almost forgot my brother was going to come pick me up.

"How do you know that?" I throw another question his way.

He pauses. "I was informed through Mrs. Wickenburg, your father called."

"What did he say?"

"He's coming on Wednesday."


There's a pause.

"I want you." He breaks the silence, and I blush slightly at his tone.

"Then I'm yours."



No Note.

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