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"Omera, just splash your face with water. I have some gum for now. We have to go." Maci orders.

I chew on the gum nervously, feeling as if the whole school had gathered because of something I did. Was this my punishment for what happened at camp with Tia? 

The thought makes me chew faster.

"Omera, calm down." Maci says with a bit of concern.

"No I can't Maci, I feel like this is about me." I tell her as I uncross my legs.

"Why would it be because of you?" She questions.

"Because of-" I am cut off by Ms. Wickenburg. She angrily stomps onto the stage, scanning the whole auditorium before her eyes land on me. I expect her to call out my name but she just continues scanning.

"If a word passes anyone lips I will be sure to spank you in front of the whole auditorium. So everyone keep your mouth shut." She demands with anger. I feel my heartbeat quicken, Maci rests her hand on my knee as if to give me a warning.

"Unfortunately, many of you have been getting out of hand. On the camping trip and during the Autumn Welcome. Our punishment policy has not been efficient so far, it seems. So I have come up with a much better one." She smiles evilly as she says it.

I agree with her, a spanking isn't efficient. It's kinda sexual, and it didn't really convince me to act better. Just led me to screwing my teacher, but that doesn't matter right now.

"Punishment will be more severe. So, first off, since some of you don't wear the uniform and don't appreciate how simple it is. I'll just make it a bit harder. From now on, your hair can only be in neat buns, no braids, messiness, colored clips, or anything else. If you don't follow this rule, there will be severe consequences." She states, everyone looks around with confusion.

Was this some joke?

"Your schedules have been modified so each grade will have to meet in the auditorium for a class on manners. If you mess around in any classes, you will be locked in the attic of the library for twelve hours. No blankets, light, or food." She continues on.

What? Is that even legal? I look at Maci who only swallows a lump in her throat. The teachers sitting to the side seem a bit pale faced. Where was Mr. Howell?

"If you are late to or don't attend lunch, breakfast, and dinner, you will not receive food fir a whole day. And if you try stealing food, your hands will be tied behind your back for another day." Mrs. Wickenburg finishes off her new rule system. I take some time to absorb the information, and online thought comes to mind.

This will definitely get me start behaving.


"This is crazy." I say to Maci, as we walk to our rooms. The new rule system starts tomorrow, so this whole day was just me savoring my privileges.

I hadn't seen Mr. Howell all day, for English and Health we had substitutes. I tried looking around the halls for him but there was no trace of him. He must have not come in.

"The rules have never been so harsh before." Maci tells me as she peaks over her shoulders. It seems the rules have gotten her nervous, she's been on her best behavior today.

We see Mrs. Wickenburg at a room door, she speaks to another senior as she holds a box in her hand. She spots us walking up the hallway. "Girls, go to your room and get your phones."

"What?" I question.

"Watch your tone, if I hear another word of disrespect it will result in punishment." She warns me as she points a bony finger in my direction.

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