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"Honest people don't hide their deeds."
-Wuthering Heights

It seems that the more I sit in my own thoughts, the more things I begin to question things. Mainly about, about Omera and the horrible person she's become, she's one of those girls I would avoid at all costs when I was in high school.

I decided that telling Phil everything is the best way to solve it, he always knows the right things to say. I tell him that Omera is just out for revenge and it's just plain wrong to me.

"Well, I disagree." Phil seems a bit guilty as he says this.

"Disagree? Why?" I look at him, perplexed. I thought that telling him what Omera has been up to would cause him to generate similar opinions to mine.

"Yes, what she's doing is a bit harsh but drawing conclusions from the limited amount of information you have is plain stupid. Why don't you just ask for her side before you make any decisions?" Phil pats my head before walking to the kitchen. I furrow my eyebrows, before scrambling after him.

"Even her best friend came here to tell me that she's going too far." I try convincing him that Omera really is going crazy.

He shrugs. "You told me she was one of those good students, even if the revenge was fair that girl probably would think it's horrible." Phil argues back with a calm tone, as if everything he says is obvious.

"Well I-" I stop myself quickly, my argument became more invalid the more I talked. Why don't I ask her? What's the big problem?

"Remember to give Janice back her pot, she said she needs it to boil some noodles." Phil reminds me as he points to the black pot on our stove. Phil was going to use it to make some soup but I guess he never got to it.



"I'm sorry I came here a day early." Omera says as she lets her bag hit the floor.

"Why did you bring a bag?" I look down at it as she stares back at me.

"My mom started yelling at me so I'm going to stay here if that's fine with you." She looks a bit hurt as she explains which only peaks my curiosity.


"Yeah, she was saying some...very hurtful things." She seems a bit more collected than I thought she would be.

"Like what?"

"Like I bring shame to her name, and that she's going to get me married to some big business man." She rolls her eyes to show she doesn't care but it was quite clear that it did. I decide to ignore the fact that her mother would force her to get married, Omera wouldn't let that happen.

"You could stay here but don't you have school tomorrow?" I question her but she shrugs.

"I don't want to go back there, I just wish I could start over from the day I first entered that boarding school." She admits as she walks past me and onto the couch, and I sit next to her.


"I feel like everyone thinks I'm evil and heartless. You, Maci, Tia, my mother. If I could start over I would just run away the first day." She confesses as she rests her head  on my shoulder.

"So, you regret meeting me?" I joke around, I know exactly what she means though, I feel like I would do the same.

"No, I just wish it would turn out differently. I wish you didn't have a kid, I wish you were never my teacher, I wish this was a regular relationship." She grabs my hand and plays with my fingers as she talks. There's a pause before she turns to me.

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