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Honestly, if there's one thing I've noticed about girls like Tia, it's that the minute they see a girl prettier than them, they have some sort of reaction. It's the urge to show how pretty they are or to convince themselves that they are more better than the next girl they see.

You think she's pretty? Well, I heard she's a bitch so, by comparison I am so much better.

You think she's a kindhearted person? Well, I'm kind and I'm pretty, so I'm so much better than she'll ever be.

If they run into a girl who has everything, that's when they snap. If they can't find anything bad, they'll have to create a flaw.

As I walk around the mall with Tia, I notice that she tries to keep my face hidden as I walk beside her. I'll confirm it now, I'm not insecure in the slightest so there is no doubt in my mind that she's a bit envious of me. The fact she's dressed like me is proof enough.

"Your makeup looks so cakey. God, it's a surprise you don't have any pimples yet." Tia says with an eye roll.

"Why are you still keeping up with these insults, Tia?" I question her, running my fingers through my hair. She watches me as I do so and only looks a bit more angry.

"I'm trying to help you, plus you're slaving for me. That means no more makeup." Tia orders as she walks into the nearest makeup counter. I follow behind her to see what she's up to know, she talks to one of the makeup artists.

"My friend says her face is feeling a bit weird, so you have any makeup removers or wipes?" Tia asks the lady who nods with a smile.

"Oh, of course. Let her sit down here and I'll have it all removed." The lady points to her chair. I look at Tia with a bit of irritation, is she really going to make me do this just so she could feel better?

"Tia, is this-" I begin to question her but she rolls her eyes.

"Come on, don't waste this woman's time." She points to the chair, I decide to roll my eyes. I couldn't care less if the men roaming this mall found me attractive or not like Tia does. She probably feels validation from each stare.

The lady grabs a wipe and begins to wipe my face clean from the makeup. Tia watches with a smile as she begins to think up more tactics to make me seem unappealing.

"Thank you so much for this." Tia says as she hands the lady a fifty dollar bill. Wow, she really does seem happy at the result.

"Okay, so what now?" I ask as we walk away from the very happy lady, Tia only smirks.

"It looks like there is a stain on your shirt." Tia pouts as she looks through her bag. I look down at my white t-shirt with confusion, but before I know it, something is thrown at me.

"Oh oops, I didn't know my bottle of water was open." Tia apologizes.

"I can see the cap in your hand Tia."

She looks a bit angry at this. "Shut up. Let's just go get you a change of clothes." She smiles at me. "I'll pay."

"You better pay." I angrily state as I looks down at my shirt, which is almost see-through at this point. A man stares at me as he walks past us and I give him a dirty look.

"Can I help you?" I ask.

"No." He shakes his head quickly.

"Then fuck off." I harshly respond, he only walk away. Tia finds the whole situation amusing though.

My phone begins to buzz and Tia takes this as a chance to begin walking away, I follow after her.

Incoming Call: Dan

I contemplate it for a bit, not knowing if I should actually answer or not. What would Tia do if she discovers who I'm talking to?

I turn off my phone and quickly race after Tia.


"I look horrible." I point out as Tia watches me walk out of the dressing room.  She's given me cargo shorts and a baggy hoodie, which looked completely awful on me.

"Well, you get what you get and don't whine like a little bitch." She sarcastically states as she pinched my cheek. I look at myself once more in the mirror before Tia drags me out of the room.

For the rest of the day, walking through the mall was hell. I felt and looked completely horrible, Tia seemed to love it because she looked stunning standing next to me.

"This was really fun." Tia states with a bright smile. At this point, I am so annoyed that I'm ready to end my plan and just curse her out right here. Before I could even do that my phone begins to ring again.

"Who keeps calling you?" Tia rolls her eyes as she grabs my phone and quickly hits 'talk', oh god no. That is certainly Dan, and I can't even imagine what she'd do when she finds out.

"Hello." She greets, I try snatching my phone from her but she only pushes me away. "Mr. Howell? It's me, Tia." She blushes a bit.

"Tia, give me my phone back." I plead, people walking past us look at me as if I'm crazy.

"Omera? Oh, she's doesn't want to talk to you for some reason. She keeps shutting off her phone when you call, it's so weird." Tia says with a small smirk. She finally pushes me hard enough to make me fall to the ground.

I sit on the ground, humiliated by the people walking past with a small chuckles passing their lips and a few pointing. I didn't know how hard it would be to get Tia to the point of heartbreak, but is it really worth feeling this humiliated?

"Oh, you guys are still together? That's so weird because she's been on so many dates lately. I even saw her making out with a boy behind the school once." Tia speaks with mock-surprise. I look up at her, and o begin to question my plans all over again. It doesn't seem worth it anymore.

I get up off the floor and attempt once more to snatch my phone away from her. However she expects this and shoves me away, I grab a fistful of her hair and yank it back, grabbing my phone in the process.

Once she balances herself I look at her in anger. "Listen, I know you think you're pretty because you stole a few pieces of clothes out of my closet, but you need to stop thinking you're anything but a stupid insecure girl from boarding school who can't seem to make herself appealing in the slightest. If you want a relationship, forget about it. You aren't pretty, and you aren't enjoyable to be around. Even that little idiot who help you spread rumors thinks you're hideous, so why don't you fuck off and go find someone else to bother? If I hear my name come out of your mouth expect me to give you another black eye like I did at camp. For now, go suck your dad's dick, he's the only guy who actually likes you." I rant, once I'm done I shove past her as she looks at me in disbelief.



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Currently being the worse person to have dinner with.

If I ever update a chapter late I most likely put up a notice on my wattpad message board or on Instagram (@b.ites)

Thank you for reading!

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