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He only smiles.

"You know, he's been so much more happier and less strict this year." I hear a whisper behind me in Health class. I stare at my test and listen to the two girls. Ashley and Jill, they both were friends and always talked while Mr. Howell tried to teach during class. If I had the chance to rip Jill's blob of gum out of her mouth, I would in a heart beat.

"Yeah, last year he gave a girl two weeks of detention for calling out." Ashley whispers back.

"Remember last year? That girl Alissa?" Jill points out as if it were important. If there's one thing I like about those girls it's the gossip.

"Oh yeah. She always was with Mr. Howell, and then one day she left." Ashley states. I stop writing as I hear this and pay closer attention to what the girls would say next.

It seemed the minute his name was mentioned it makes me drop everything just to hear him.

"Yeah, well I saw her walk out his classroom crying last year. She told me that nothing was fair in love and other dumb stuff. It was weird." I hear the girl chew her gum as she says it.


"Do you think they had a thing going on?"

Jill scoffs. "Definitely. That girl always had a hickey on her neck."

"You know Omera had a hicke-" I hear Ashley start to say but I turn around.

"Can you shut up? I don't stay in my dorm picking lint out of my ass like you do." I begin to threaten her but I'm interrupted.

"Omera, mind your language. We're in the middle of a test." Mr. Howell scolds. I send a glare over my shoulder before I go back to doodling on the back of the test paper. The girls look mortified as they try taking in what just happened. I don't get to see what they do, instead I hear them begin to scribble on paper.

The seconds tick by and my mind comes up with more conclusions about what the two girls had said.

Was there another girl before me who had a thing with Mr. Howell? If that's the case, which I'm assuming it is, then why did he push me away? Maybe it has something to do with what happened between them. Mr. Howell was very flirtatious the first week I came here but then be stopped. Maybe the past made him rethink his decision.

I read the last question on the test.

What are the four dimensions of health?

I roll my eyes as memories from last month invade my thoughts.


Alissa Rogers
Grade: 12
Student Pin: 093765298
Guardian(s): George Maxwell

I read her file carefully, curiosity is my worst enemy. I know if anyone walked into the office, I'd be busted. I didn't have my phone to even snap a picture for later.

-Forgot Uniform 10/31
-Skipped breakfast 11/05
-Disrespected a teacher 11/07
-Did not attend Health 11/15

"Omera?" I hear a voice call out. I slam the file shut and put it back in place in the file cabinet before slamming that shut as well. I turn quickly and face the person who had noticed my crime.

"Ms. Lilian, how are you?" I smile innocently as I take in her appearance. Her hair is also in a bun today, I've seen even the teachers were forced into wearing the hairstyle.

She narrows her eyes. "Whose file were you looking at?"

"My own." I lie through my teeth.

She walks over and looks at the cabinet. "Your file can't be in there, this is for returning students. You are a new student." She debunks my lie.

"I got class, so I better get going." I change the subject quickly, trying to walk past her.

"Not so fast." She grabs my arm and pulls me back.

"You tell me whose file you were looking at before I hand you over to Mrs. Wickenburg." She tries prying truth from me.

"You're going to tell her regardless, so I'd rather keep my mouth shut." I brush her off. If my mom had taught me one thing, it was to keep my mouth shut when I was trouble.

Ms. Lilian looks at me with frustration. "You tell me and I won't hand you over." She tries compromising but I shake my head, maintaining my silence. I couldn't trust her, she might not keep her end of the deal.

"Let's go then, shall we?"


"You tell me whose file it was before I punish you severely." Mrs. Wickenburg scolds me. Ms. Lilian stands near her with her arms crossed.

"I'm choosing to stay silent, and I will not confess anything." I repeat the statement I told them almost five times.

"Then I shall punish you." Mrs. Wickenburg says as she tabs a book off her table.

"For what?"

She pauses. "Looking through a personal file cabinet."

"You have no proof I looked through it. Ms. Lilian isn't fond of me, she made the whole thing up." I accuse with a shrug.

Ms. Lilian scoffs. "I am not lying."

"Then prove it." I speak out. Mrs. Wickenburg curiously glances towards Ms. Lilian, as if to see her rebuttal.

"I am a teacher and I am not out to sabotage a student. Ms. Williams is only saying this to get out of being punished." She argues back with nervousness.

I sigh. "I don't see any proof. How can you accuse me with no evidence?" I ask the principal who seemed a bit happy at the exchange.

"That is a valid point." Mrs. Wickenburg admits.

"What?" Ms. Lilian gasps as she stares at big of us in disbelief.

"There is no proof that Omera was looking through files. A student can argue for their innocence. For now, I'm letting Ms. Williams off." Mrs. Wickenburg rules as she places her book back where it belongs.

Damn, they would have never listened to me back in public school. I wouldn't even get a chance to explain myself.

Ms. Lilian looks at her with disbelief, but she scoffs before walking out of the office. "I just can't win with this girl." She mutters as she leaves.

"Ms. Williams." The principal calls for my attention. I turn and see her writing something down.

"Yes, ma'am?"

"We've been in need for a new president since Ms. Brooks stepped down to be the Vice President. I've temporarily assigned you the position." She nods.

Ew. I don't want to be in student government. The teachers would pay more attention to my behavior and to top it off I don't want to represent this school. It's a terrible school.

But I don't think I have a choice."



90 % edited

Okay so basically I lied. There was no Dan and Phil interaction, man I thought I would have fit it in but I forgot that I don't like switching POV in chapters.

Okay let's aim for the next chapter.  Three days let's hope. Maybe not bc I have dance, but I will write it on the train.

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