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"Don't worry, Omera. At least, Mr. Howell is chaperoning."

"What? How do you know that?" I question her. She offers me the sign-up slip and I scan it quickly. I spot Mr. Howell's name amongst them, and I don't know if I even want him there. I'm basically going to be the janitor for all these students, it isn't the most attractive thing.

"I didn't know Mr. Howell's first name was Dan." Maci states as she reads his name as well.

"Oh I knew that." I shrug off as I read the description for each of the days. He told me back when we were talking on the bleachers, right before he broke things off.

"How did you know that?" She asks in curiosity.

"I asked." I state quickly, I didn't want to give away too much information. Maci is way too honest to ever lie, if I ever told her it would be like telling the principal. I take my eyes off the paper and look at her. I didn't want to seem rude for not paying attention, she's like my only friend here.

Maci is the only friend I have that is sweet,
innocent, and selfless. I don't know why I like her better than all my other friends back at home, I've know her for only a few weeks. I look at her, studying her features in admiration. If she notices my stare, she doesn't show it.

"He told you? He doesn't tell anyone his name." Maci states in a bit of disbelief.

Before I could respond Mrs. Wickenburg orders us to make our way to the lunchroom, Maci and I stand up. We exit the auditorium without a word, the only noise made is Maci gasping as I trip a girl.

"I'm skipping lunch." I tell her as I begin looking through my bag for my room keys. Maci stares at the black combat boots I began wearing instead of the regular flats.

"What? Why?" Maci questions as she grabs my arm.

"I don't want to go?" I state as if I'm questioning it myself.

"Lunch is mandatory." Maci tries convincing me not to break the rules.

"So? What more trouble could I get into?" I reply with a shrug. She doesn't seem to have an argument back.

"Ms. Williams, you must attend lunch." Mr. Howell says from behind me, I turn quickly and roll my eyes when I see the brunette teacher by his side.

"I'm not hungry, Sir." I reply as I keep looking in my bag for my key.

"That does not matter, Omera. You have to attend lunch." Mr. Howell sighs as he watches me digging around my bag.

I finally pull my key out of my bag. "What will happen if I decide to ignore you?"

"Young lady, get to lunch." The brunette says with a harsh tone as if she expects me to run away in fear. I pause and slowly shift my gaze to her.

"Can you piss off?" I snap at her with a bit of edge in my tone.

"Excuse me?" She asks in disbelief.

"This doesn't seem to be your business." I say motioning between Mr. Howell and I, she looks lost for words. I don't think teachers have been treated this badly before, the teacher and Maci can't seem to believe it. Mr. Howell just casually puts his hands in his pockets with a bored expression. He's probably used to all the disrespect from me.

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