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"I don't care, just kiss me." I dismiss him.

"You kissed me back there."  I point out to him as he sets up the sheets on the floor. We made it back to the cabin, it seems he was choosing to ignore whatever happened.

"That's not important, Omera." He brushes off. "Take the bed, I'll be on the floor."

I shake my head. "No, sleep in the bed with me."

He shoots me a tired look. "You know I can't do that."

"Just this one night." I plead as I hug him from behind. I lay my cheek on his back, feeling the warmth radiate off him. He places his hands on top of mine.

"Why do you tempt me so much?" He questions me with distress as he turns around. I lay my hands on his chest, looking at him with interest.

"It's not that much." I argue back but he only lets his eyes close.

"Even little things make me want to give in. Like when you stare off into the distance, or when you speak, even just looking at me drives me crazy. It just looks so beautiful." He confesses as he stares at me. "You're so hard to stay away from."

"Then don't stay away." I try arguing but I know his answer. He doesn't even say it, he just shakes his head.

"You already know my answer." He states with a frown. He grabs ahold of my chin before staring at them. "But just one night, and that'll be it."

I smile widely.

He kisses me roughly, grabbing ahold of my hair in a tight grip. I don't let my smile fade, I wanted to savor this moment.

He soon has me on the bed, ripping away my clothing and I do the same to him.

"You're so beautiful." He seems a bit frustrated with the fact. He stares at me, letting me think a bit. He presses a kiss to my forehead, and I wrap my arms around him.

"I can't do this." I whisper to him. If we end up having sex, I know I'll just want him even more. No matter how much I want this, it can't happen.

"You're right." He agrees but he doesn't move. I pull away from the embrace and I peck his lips softly.

"Goodnight." He whispers as he rolls off me and to my side. He still cuddles at my side, making me burst with happiness.



I sit on the bus, looking at the window as I listened to sad music. This morning I had simply got up early and exited without disturbing Mr. Howell. He didn't seem too mad.

He had somehow convinced Mrs. Wickenburg to allow me to sit with Maci in the front. I didn't say much to him at all today, I'd just feel depressed and stupid for even trying to be with him.

"Omera, are you ok?" Maci asks me, I feel bad for not sparing her a glance either but this music is making me feel worse.

"Just fine." I answer. I glance around and see Tia sitting alone with her hood over her head. She hasn't tried getting near Mr. Howell at all, and for some reason I feel bad about it. It's as if I stole her happiness, she really liked him.

Maci notices me looking. "You both have made the whole mood just depressing in this bus." She notices, I look around and see everyone was either sleeping or quiet. Even Mr. Howell was looking out the window in boredom.

His features were calm and I tried reading his thoughts from his face. What was he thinking? Was I even on his mind?

The familiar trees leading up to the boarding school appear and I sigh in annoyance. I didn't want to go back to this school and just see Mr. Howell in the halls. How could I pretend nothing has happened between us?

I just want to take a brick and hit him with it. Just to get rid of his face so I don't have to look at it.

The bus halts, Maci just grabs my hand. She intertwines our fingers slowly as she looks at me. "I'm your friend Omera, if you want to talk, I'm here for you."

Mr. Howell spares us a side glance as he gets off the bus, staring at our hands. "Thank you, Maci." I quietly state with a small smile.

The familiar sign that read 'Gwen Allen's Boarding School' just makes my stomach twist in distaste.

I hate this place.


I had just went to my room and stripped down to my underwear. I laid in my bed, the sunlight that had seeped past my blinds made me feel like a model of some sort. My skin like looked bright and smooth, like caramel.

I just hugged my pillow as music blared from my phone. I didn't want to face anyone. Not now anyways.

I just wanted to think about nothing in general.

I hear a pounding on my door, I open my eyes with irritation. When did I fall asleep?

I get up and walk over to my suitcase and dig around for something I could cover up with. I grab my big flannel, and slip my arms through it, leaving the buttons.

The person knocks on my door again, and I open it with tiredness. I pull the flannel to cover myself, the dark green wouldn't be the center of attention for whoever is on the other side of the door.

I catch sight of her blonde hair. "Omera..." Maci says as she looks around quickly.

"Why are you here in the middle of the night?" I question but Maci shakes her head.

"It's six in the morning. Breakfast is in thirty minutes." Maci says with furrowed eyebrows.

I look back in my room, the blinds were closed shut, I hadn't noticed the whiteness of the morning sky. I had slept a long time it seems.

"I have to get ready, don't I?" I say walking in my room. Maci follows behind, shutting the door and turning on the lights.

I dig in my drawers, looking for the uniform I despised at this point. "I don't even have time for a damn shower." I say as I slip on my knee socks, I pull up my skirt as well.

"You aren't going to wash up?" She questions. I groan in frustration, I forgot that.

"Everyone to the auditorium right now, I'm not playing around with you girls anymore."  Mrs. Wickenburg shouts through the loud speaker. I flinch at the volume but instantly grow curious, what happened? 

The click of the microphone is heard.

"Omera, just splash your face with water. I have some gum for now. We have to go." Maci orders.



Kinda-ish edited.

I'm sorry for this super late update. I had a complete writers block. This chapter is a bit rushed as you can see. I apologize for that. I'm going to try not to fall off schedule again. And hopefully the next chapter will be up in three days. If not, check my message board thingy (idk what it's called), and hopefully I will have the date there.

Thank you so much for reading!

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