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A knock on my door wakes me, I peel my eyes open and thankfully I didn't feel that tired. I think back to the night before and smile brightly. I'm still in my dress, however the jean jacket is tossed carelessly to the floor.

I get up quickly once another knock is heard, I feel my face carefully and thankfully I had washed off my makeup before sleeping. I rub my eyes as I get up to go get the door.

"Omera? I heard you were sick." Maci says as she rushes inside my room. She has a bag of chips and a water bottle in her hands. "They wouldn't let me go to town, so this is the best I could do."

"I'm not sick. Who told you that?" I yawn, I walk into my bathroom and take a look in the mirror.

"You weren't in breakfast so I asked Mr. Howell where you were. He told me you felt sick yesterday, and had told him at the end of the day to write you a pass of some sort for the weekend homework." Maci explains to me as she watches me brush my teeth. I can't believe I actually missed breakfast, hopefully Dan had covered for me with Mrs. Wickenburg.

"Oh...yeah but that was yesterday." I try playing along with his lie. I spit the toothpaste out of my mouth and look at Maci.

"You seem fine now and-oh! I almost forgot." Maci quickly goes through her bag before pulling out a folded piece of paper.

"What's that?" I grab the paper with hesitance.

"Mrs. Wickenburg has asked me to deliver this to you." Maci nods as I rip open the letter.

"Ms. Williams, due to your misconduct, I order you to be in your first period classroom at exactly noon for a punishment. Failure to do so will result in lockdown." I read out loud.

"That's in ten minutes. You have to wear your uniform now." Maci rushes out of the bathroom, I soak my face with water quickly and follow her lead.

Nothing could ruin my mood for today, except if that punishment is harsh.


I start feel a bit tired from yesterday all of a sudden. I had basically maxed out my energy, there was no way less than seven hours would help me regenerate for the rest of the day.

"Good afternoon, Ms. Williams." Mrs. Wickenburg greets. Dan is sitting at his desk with a bored expression, but the minute he sees me he lightens up a bit.

"Good afternoon ma'am." I greet with a tired voice. "And Sir."

"Take a seat, and I want you to listen to me very closely." Ms. Wickenburg narrows her eyes at me. She notices my tiredness but only flicks her eyes to the closed laptop on Dan's desk.

I take a seat.

"I want you to know that our school has many cameras, and one of them is located right at the front door." She explains as she opens her laptop.

Oh no, what did she see? My mind races to all the things that happened yesterday inside the school.  Did she catch Dan dropping me off to my room last night? Oh god.

"I didn't catch much, but I did catch you leaving the school at midnight." She shows me a short clip of me walking out of the front door. No wonder there was no guard at the door.

I stay silent.

"Where did you go, Ms. Williams?" She questions. I choose to stay quiet, I look at my fingers trying to come up with a reasonable lie.

"Are you going to give me an answer?" She pesters but I continue my silence. Talking would only make it worse it seems. Maybe giving her any indication would result in even more consequences.

"Very well then, to the attic with you then." She declares. I snap my gaze toward her, she can't possibly lock me up there. My father might be coming tomorrow, how will I be able to leave?

"That's a bit harsh, don't you think?" Dan quickly tried changing her mind.

"Well, here's the choice. You tell me where you went and I might reconsider." She states with a smile.

I'd rather not lie but I really don't want to be locked in the attic. I look at Dan and sigh quickly.

"I went to town." I lie.

"Where in town?"

"My friends were in town, we went out to eat." I almost feel proud of my lie. I really hope that would be enough to convince her to leave me be and keep me as far away from the attic as possible. I look toward Dan and see him biting his lip with a nervous look.

"Thank you informing me, now to the attic." She points to the door. I shake my head in disbelief.

"What? You told me you would reconsider." I protest as she begins to walk over to me. How did I not see this coming?

"I said I might. However, you need to be punished and it seems the usual way isn't working." She informs, I jump out of my desk and begin stepping away from her. I blush slightly at the mention of the usual way. It seems so foreign now.

I narrow my eyes, she isn't locking me up due to the fact my father is coming, is she? She seems to hold some sort of grudge toward me, and letting me leave would ruin her plans. Is that also why she was being so kind to me? So I would want to stay?

"How is that fair?" I mostly question my theory.

"It's not." She grab ahold of me and begins dragging me toward the door. "I've had enough of you and all your rebellious behavior."

"Mrs. Wickenburg, this isn't right." Dan gets out from behind his desk.

"Stay out of it, Mr. Howell." She says with a scowl.

"You know what? Fine. Take me to the attic, I don't give a damn." I accept quickly, I didn't want to make a scene and I know I'd end up there in the end. I stand up straight and let her pull me out with the little dignity I have left.

At least the attic would give me a chance to think of revenge.



Sorry for the long wait. I took a small break and collected myself. Honestly this week was one of the best in a long time. I know most of it was because of your wishes.

I'm thinking of starting a new book but it would just burden me further, so I'll just write a little here and there. Maybe after this book ends I might start publishing the other book. Who knows what the future holds?

Thank you for putting up with me, it's quite an honor.

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