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Once I'm all dry, sitting on Phil's bed with a mug of hot chocolate on the night stand, I hear a small knock on my door.

I don't say anything, but Dan still opens the door. I know it's him, it had to be him. Phil said he was going to wash the dishes, and I could still hear the pots clattering in sink. I glance up at Dan as he leans against the doorframe, looking at me with a blank expression.

"Do you feel okay?" He asks me. I only look at my fingers trying to avoid his gaze. I still don't know what terms we are on, he practically tried to break up with me before I went running around in the rain.

"You always do that, don't you?" He states, walking up to me and taking a seat at the edge of the bed, right near me.

"Do what?" I question.

"Play with your fingers when you're nervous." He states, I didn't even notice that I did that. How did he?

"I don't know, I never noticed that." I admit to him, usually I would lie but I don't feel like lying to him. I still feel like I could fix things between us. Am I an idiot? I feel like I am, I'm always filled with optimism and the same thing happens; he hurts me.

"Listen, I didn't mean what I said before." He states softly, resting his hand on my knee as he speaks.

"What did you say?" I ask, I'm well aware of what he said but I just needed him to repeat it. Just so he knows how stupid and hurtful it really was.

"I don't think it matters, let's just put it behind us." He tries hiding it but I'm not letting him get away with it.

"You said you would leave me because apparently all your time needs to be dedicated to your son." I repeat it for him, he seems saddened by my words. I don't know if I'm wrong for my attitude or not, I never used to be.

"Omera, I'm sorry. I didn't mean that at all." He tried defending him. The apology is so half-ass, I don't know whether to laugh or cry at it.

"Then why did you say it?"

"I don't have the answer to that question." He responds with no hesitation. Sometimes I wonder if he's being as honest with me, as I am with him.

Before I could say anything else, Phil enters the room. The memories of what I said to him replay in my head. How did I become infatuated with him in the rain? I don't actually want to be with him, I went a bit crazy in the rain. However, that whole scenario made me have a soft spot for him.

"Are you feeling better?" Phil asks me, he doesn't seem to care that Dan's hand was on my knee or the fact that Dan was talking to me.

"Yeah, I got a bit crazy in the rain. I'm sorry." I apologize to Phil, he doesn't seem slightly bothered. Instead, he seems to be more open to talking to me than he was before.

"Don't worry about that. You should rest it off." He suggests, shutting off the lights without hearing me out. The actions are so sudden, it's clear that he came here with a hidden motive.

Regardless, I decide that Phil's right, I felt tired enough as it is. "Thank you, Phil."

He smiles at me before directing his attention to Dan. "Come on, I need to talk to you."


I couldn't sleep, so I began eavesdropping on the conversation outside my door. I didn't get the beginning of it, but I think I'll be able to figure it out.

"You heard all those things she was saying out there? You're driving her insane." Phil states in an low but angry voice.

"What? The fact that she was all over you? Yeah, I heard that." Dan responds back.

"What are you going to do now? Are you going to keep toying with her emotions? You need to stop, it's messing her up." Phil advises in a soft voice, he sounds so caring. I can't help but smile a bit at his sentence.

"I'm not messing her up, I love her." Dan admits with not a trace of hesitation or guilt. The statement itself would make my heart skip a beat, however this time it's the confidence that does.

"Then start acting like it." Phil states back in response. I'm a bit torn between Phil's care and Dan's love. Both make me happy but which one is more genuine?

I walk back to the bed when the conversation is over, not knowing what to do about Dan. I do know one thing I need to do. I need to get my life back to the way it was before everything went bad.

I don't know how I will do that, enter back into school and face Tia again maybe. Perhaps making her life hell will make me feel better, after all I still have a grudge against her. She did spread a rumor that I was a teacher fucker and that I had a train busted on me, not to mention she made me her slave, humiliating me in the process.

I need to also talk to Maci again, I miss her sweet nature. She's my best friend after all, but she's against this revenge thing against Tia. Who cares? She'll stick by me in the end.

Before I can further my plan to improve my life, a person enters the through the door. Since it's still dark in here, I'm unclear who it is but judging by his stride, it's Dan.

"Do you need something?" I question him. He snaps his head towards me.

"I thought you were sleeping." He states a bit surprised. I don't know whether he's joking or not, because it's quite obvious he came here to talk to me about something. Or he wanted to get something.

"No, I'm awake."  I clarify the obvious. He flicks the light open, and I close my eyes to shield them from the brightness.

"Don't tell Phil what I'm about to tell you, okay?" He says in a hushed voice as he closes the door softly behind him.



I am a few hours late with this update, it's 1:30am in New York. Sorry for the lateness, i had to attend a dinner and returned at 12.

I have a habit of making things confusing smh.

Next update is Friday!


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