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I walk inside and see an older woman with blonde puffy hair and a very mom-like body with an apron on, holding a plate of cookies. She did look like she had lost her mind years ago so I immediately know it's Maci's mom.

"Oh sweetie, is this your friend?" The woman stares me with a wide smile as she sets down the cookies. She doesn't stare at my clothes at all, which most older woman would do with confusion. Usually, the daughter of rich parents dresses like I did back in boarding school. However, most of my jeans were torn and my shirts were tight and cropped.

"Hey, I'm Omera." I smile as wide as Maci's mother, her while aura is highly contagious.

She immediately hugs me as if I'm the most precious thing she has seen and she strokes my hair in a way I wish my mother would do. It all feels a bit too cliché for me, but somehow I liked it.

She releases me but keeps her hands on my shoulders as she studies me but for once the stare isn't judging me. "What a beautiful young lady."

"Thank you." I manage to say with another smile. This is so weird, she barely knows me but she's trusting me as if I had just gave her life again. Does Maci never have friends over or something?

"Omera is staying here because her brother left her." Maci points out.

"He didn't leave me he-" I try not to seem like my family is filled with heartless jerks, even though it actually is.

Maci's mother shakes her head, silencing me. "There's one rule you should know, there is no lying in my house. Be truthful and apples might fall and hit your head."

What the fuck?

"Right...what does that mean?" I question her, she almost convinced me that she isn't all that crazy but I guess I was wrong.

"Apples give you knowledge and good luck. We have an apple tree in the backyard and I always get hit right in the center of my head." Maci's mother explains to me with a nod.

"Well, that explains a lot."

Maci seems to understand that I was calling her mom a nutcase so she decides to change the subject. "Omera will be staying for the weekend."

"Splendid! Tree is coming over because I promised the woman next door that I would babysit. I have to run over to the post office before it closes so you guys behave."

"We have to babysit a tree?" I question. If they heard me, they definitely don't show it.

"Have fun, mother." Maci says with a smile, I stare at the clock on the wall and see it's nine at night already. Once Maci's mother is gone through the front door I turn to Maci.

"What time does the post office close?" I question her.

"Eight, why?" Maci says as she walks over to the cookies and begins to nibble on one.

Well, either Maci's mother is lying or she's so crazy that she forgot when the post office closes. I decide on the latter and go over to eat a cookie as well.

"Oatmeal cookies?" I question with a confused look. Who eats oatmeal cookies?

"Yeah, they're my favorite." Maci smiles brightly, I decide to eat the vomit cookie just so Maci to be happy that I like her favorite as well.

"Aren't they wonderful?" She asks me.

"Yeah, I guess. Why do we have to babysit a tree?" I question her with a look of confusion.

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