♬ Five ♬

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Happy 2016!!!

New year, new characters!

It was Saturday night, and of course I was at home doing homework. What else was I to do? With my laptop playing a YouTube video and my mind in my books, it seemed this was a repetitive thing. I really needed a change..

My phone rang, which scared me. My phone never rings.

I always used to imagine this: the day my phone rang it would be the end of the world. But to my surprise, the world isn't exploding or the zombie apocalypse isn't taking place.

Everything was as quiet as ever on Elm Street.

I grabbed my phone, looking at the lit up screen. I had a text from an unknown number. I wouldn't be surprised if it was Kate playing a prank on me, again. You'd be surprised how many times she's done that since freshman year.

I unlocked it, reading the text silently.

Unknown: meet me at Photobooth Central

Me: why should I? Who is this?

Unknown: It has to do w/ Kenton and Gigi . Just hurry !

Kenton? Is he in trouble? I didn't ask anymore questions, I jumped out of bed and rushed to my window, looking back at my door. Should I really be sneaking out? I can't do that, it'll break my morals.

I decided to just walk out the front door, telling my dad I was going to the market to get milk. When he said farewell, I shut the door and ran to my bike.

It was dark out but that wasn't stopping me. If Kenton's in trouble, I will meet up with anyone to save him.

Endless times I've hit a curb, rammed into a tree, and was almost hit by a car. But through it all, I made it to Photobooth Central, jumping off my bike and picking it up off the floor.

"Hello!" I called out, looking around.

"Zoe!" I turned around, seeing a silhouette in the back of the store. Why is this person being so secretive? Nobody - and I mean nobody - at our school comes here unless they have a party they have to set up for.

I raised an eyebrow slightly, then slowly made way to the back. I looked around the darkened area, shrieking when someone grabbed my wrist and yanked me back, pushing me against the wall and covering my mouth. The air was knocked out of me, and I began to think that this wasn't the brightest idea.

"Pipe down, would ya?" The person huffed, then waited for me to nod before removing their hand from my mouth.

I shoved them, "What the hell!"

"Shut it, Zoe, you should be glad I'm even talking to you." He growled at me before pushing me inside the building. Something tells me I shouldn't listen to everything I'm told.

He shut the door behind him, turning on the light. Before me stood the biggest cool kid in our school. Daniel Grayson, better known around the school as 'Dan', throws the biggest parties our town has seen, has never lost a single fight in school, and captain of the baseball team. If he isn't the full package, then I don't know what is.

But Kenton will always be better.

"Listen to me, Zoe," He began, "I know what you're doing with Kenton and Gigi. I saw you put the envelope in her locker, and his, I'm no idiot."


He ran his fingers through his jet black hair, "Zoe, Gigi has a boyfriend already."

I raised both eyebrows, "Pardon?"

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