♬ Seven ♬

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The sound of my phone ringing made me slowly turn over and grab my phone blindly, answering the phone, "Hello?" I asked rather rudely, not caring much of whoever was on the other end.

"Hello to you too grouchy."

"Who's this?" I questioned, trying my hardest to keep my eyes open.

"Caller ID broken or some shit?" He laughed, "It's Dan."

"Hey." I yawned, sitting up, "Quick, open your window."

I scowled, "Excuse me? I don't remember giving you my address."

"Hello, that's what the hacker is for. Now open your window." The line went dead, and I yawned before getting out of bed and walking over to my window. I sleepily opened the window, looking down at the ground.

Dan waved up at me, well at least I think he does. I can't tell since someone broke my glasses, "Hey! Climb out!"

"Are you nuts? I'm on the second floor." I stated calmly.

"I'll catch you if you fall." He held his arms out, and I rolled my eyes, "Why don't you come up?"

"I'm sorry but do you see anyway for me to climb up?" He questioned sarcastically. He then smirked up at me, "Zoella, Zoella, let down your hair!"

I scowled, "Why does everyone call me Zoella?" It grew quiet, "Why are you here?"

"My friend is throwing a sick ass party right now, rumour has it Kenton will be there."

"It's Sunday night and three am. My dad will kill me."

"What? It's only eleven." He laughed. "Throw on your contacts and let's go!"

I tapped my chin, "No."

He groaned, "Alright I'm coming up."

"No you're not." I shut my window and walked back to my bed. I'm a nerd, nobody wants me at their party anyway.

As I removed the covers to get back in bed, my window opened and in came Dan. "See, you didn't need me to let down my hair." I commented, earning a groan from him.

"Let's go," He turned my light on, "To the party." He grabbed my wrist, earning a groan from me as he dragged me to my closet. He opened it up, cringing when he saw my hideous t shirts and dirty sneakers.

He slowly looked at me, "This is all you have?"

I nodded proudly. I love my style, it shows who I am as a person.

"Okay.. It's okay we can figure something out."

"I'm not going to that party." I stated, ready to go back to bed. I grabbed my pillow, hugging it as I sat down.

He took a step back, bumping into my bookshelf, making all my books and binders fall to the floor. He watched as they fell to the floor, and I sighed. "Good job."

"Hey, why do you have a shirt back here?" He asked as he grabbed a blue knitted shirt my grandmother made me. I told my dad it didn't fit me, even though I knew it was meant to be a crop top. "Zoe, this is perfect."

"Excuse me?"

"Quick put it on!" He ran up to me, and I put my arms out, beginning to wrestle him as he attempts to throw it over my pyjama shirt. When he eventually won, I crossed my arms and ripped it off, "If you come I'll make sure when this all over, you never have to worry about bullies ever again."

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