♬ Forty Two ♬

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Comment of the day !

Demi Lovato :3, and nice chapter. Dan finally admitted it :)


Winner of song lyrics challenge: xxBearCuddlesxx for knowing the name of the song AND artist : )

The song was: Catch Me by Demi Lovato from her album Here We Go Again . I personally love the song because it reminds me Louis

*written yesterday at at least 12 pm*
I had a dream last night where Louis and I were dating and he gave me his track sweater to wear to his track meet, and when he was called to run I was just like "that's my boyfriend !" So here is my dream in chapter form w/ a little twist to it :)

Sliding between the chairs and people's legs, I made way to an open seat and gladly took it, hoping I didn't look too much like Zoella. I was wearing my contacts, eyeliner and lipstick, but other than that I don't look like her.

I felt awkward in the sweater I was wearing, but didn't really care. I was comfortable, as it was Louis' sweater and I was here to support my friend.

"Excuse me, miss!"

I looked over, seeing someone looking at me, "There's a seat reserved for team member's family members in the front!"

I giggled, "I'm not a family member, I'm a friend!"

"Well either way, come take a seat!"

I sighed, apologizing to everyone as I squeezed past once more. I followed him down the steps and finally took my seat beside an elderly couple.

I crossed my legs, tapping my finger against my knee. I was growing impatient, I've been to the bathroom, snack bar and back and this damn track meet still hasn't begun.

After a couple more minutes, the announcers rushed out to the middle of the field. "Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the Winter Track's track meet!"

The field filled with applause and roars, and I saw a couple people holding up signs. I rolled my eyes, this isn't a concert.

"Let's meet our runners! First up we have home team, Seneca High School!"

I jumped out of my seat, throwing my hands in the air and cheering just as loud as the rest of the crowd. Louis was fifth to run out, and I couldn't help but smile at the sight of him. He was so scrawny, it was quite funnyHis eyes landed on me immediately, and he returned the smile.

The rest of the teams were irrelevant, but they were much bigger than our school, that was a definite.

The track team started by warming up, and I decided to stand and watch. I leaned over the fence, watching Louis do a couple jumping jacks, then stretched out his legs. In the meantime, I noticed a girl standing behind him, staring at him while he did this. It was obvious she was attracted to him, she was staring at him the way I used to stare at Kenton.

As I took my seat once more, the lady next to looked at me.

"Good morning miss." The old woman next to me smiled at me, and I returned the gesture.

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