♬ One ♬

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I grabbed my shirt from the gym locker, listening to my music to drown out the sweaty, gossiping females around me. High school locker rooms were never my thing, but it's a part of high school, so what can I do?

I slipped my shirt over and onto my body, patting down my ugly pink t-shirt to make it at least look decent. When that didn't help (at all), I just put on my jeans and pulled my glasses onto my face. Stuffing my clothes into my gym bag and grabbing my books for my next class, I sighed and exited the locker room.

This was a daily thing for me, wake up, go to school, talk to nobody except my teachers, and mainly just trying to survive the day.

I walked with my eyes looking nowhere but forward. I avoided all eye contact, that is, until he began walking my way.

Who's he, you ask? Well only the cutest boy you'll ever lay your eyes on, Kenton Shad. Brown hair in a short quiff, pretty brown eyes and the perfect height of six feet. He played the guitar and was the leader of the musicians group in our school. He was the lead in every school play and musical, and was a B average student. He wasn't exactly a knight in shining armor, but he's a sweetheart and that's all that matters.

I waited for him to look at me, but he kept his eyes focused on his phone and continued to walk forward. Once I walked past Kenton, turning to steal a quick glimpse at him once more. As soon as the bell rang, he entered a stairwell and exited the hallway.

The hallways fell silent, the classroom doors shutting as class went into session. I had free period, so my first plan was to go to the library to just enjoy some me time.

I fixed my earbuds, taking my glasses off to clean them afterwards as I began walking down the stairwell. I heard somebody walk past, but because I was practically blind without my glasses on, I couldn't see a hint of who they were. They walked past without saying anything, continuing to ascend the stairs.

I silently hummed along to the music, opening the doors to exit the stairway. I turned to my right to enter the library, but was stopped by someone standing right in front of the door.

I looked up from the floor, seeing the last person I would want to see as of right now, "Oh, Zoe."

"Hello, Kate." Kate. There's always an evil queen, sometimes she's the head cheerleader, sometimes she's the fairytale stepmother. And sometimes it's your sister. But in our case, our evil, evil queen is Kate.

"Still crushing on my boyfriend?" She gave me a smile, and I sighed, looking back down at my white shoes.

I fixed my books in my arms to a more comfortable position, then looked up at her with the little courage I had, "He's not your boyfriend." I managed to squeak out, but by the way she looked at me, I can tell she knew I was scared she would hurt me.

She chuckles dryly, playing with her brown hair, "Maybe not yet, but he will be soon, don't you worry your ugly little mind." A fake smile played across her face, her bad vibes grabbing me in a chokehold so bad I had no clue what to say.

I twisted the base of my foot on the floor, staring down at it so that I wasn't as intimidated, "I wasn't."

"Good, cause one day I'll walk into school with your dream boy wrapped around my little finger." She spoke so confidently, like she was able to see the future. But I knew better.

I sighed as I heard the door of the library open, "What are you doing in the library anyway? Aren't books for people with brains?"

She gasped, placing her hand on her chest as if she were hurt, "Kenton, did you hear what she just said to me?"

I turned around, and sure enough, there stood Kenton, "Not important, did you guys hear somebody got into a fight with Gigi? I don't want her to be injured." Gigi was Kenton's on and off girlfriend. She's new to the school, but already she's slept around with half the boys in our grade.

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