♬ Twenty Two ♬

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Double update cause you BFFs deserve it

Comment of the .. Double update yeah there we go :

woah honey. take a dil pill u can't do that ur life will be ruINED


She made a reference to Dan and Phil and I read it while I was on the phone w/ my boyfriend and I screamed and he was like "babe are you okay?!" xD

I didn't care anymore. I couldn't take any more of it. I was going to show them I won't take anymore of it. If Dan wasn't around to protect me, and I can't be as cool as Zoella, might as well take matters into my own fucking hands.

It's been two months, I held off the whole Kenton and Catherine romance just for this. My boxing lessons were much more important. My safety was on the line after all.

It was now December, and I was sweating bricks in my sports bra and adidas pants. My boxing gloves were getting hot around my hands and tight around my wrists, but I could care less.

"Hit harder, Zoe!" My trainer screamed at me, trying his hardest to provoke me. I swung harder and faster, watching as he stood in his place. My goal was to break his stance for at least a second during this workout. So far I have not succeeded, no shocker there.

"You hit like a nerd!" He yelled, spitting on my face slightly. I ignored it, focusing my punches on his hands. My muscles burned and my blood boiled. Everytime I saw those damn hands I pictured Kate and Gigi's face, which provoked me to hit harder than I normally would.

Today was no exception. "Stop!"

I left him one last punch, then wiped the sweat from my forehead and brow. "Good work Zoe, take five and we'll end the day with punching bags-"

"No way. I'm not stopping." I walked over to the punching bags, totally ignoring him calling after me. I looked at the punching bag, picturing Kate standing in front of me.

I raised my fists slowly, my muscles aching. My body said stop but my mind said to keep going.

I threw endless punches, a few kicks here and there, imagining the look on Kate's face when she figures out I've been taking boxing class.

She'll be scared shitless. She'll be so scared she'll beg for my mercy. And then, I'll do everything she's ever done to me. I'll spit on her, I'll step on her, walk all over her, and hell I'll even waste my drink just to toss it in her face like she did to me!

I am not Snow White. I will not sleep around and bullshit through the evil queen attempting to ruin my life. I'm not Jasmine. I'm not Ariel. I'm not Sleeping Beauty - I look like hell when I sleep anyway. I'm Maradeith. I don't need a prince to save me.

I'm Zoe Banner. I don't need Daniel Grayson to save me.

With one last punch, I felt tears in my eyes at the thought of Dan. I haven't seen him in two months. Zoella's been inactive thanks to my boxing exercises. People are beginning to wonder if she was even real.

I took a deep breathe, wiping the tears with my damp shirt. I let out a frustrated scream, hitting the punching bag with all my might, watching my teacher stumble back.

"Fantastic job, Zoe!" He congratulated me.

I smirked. "Thanks Mr C."

He patted my back, "Go ahead and change champ. I'm locking up once you're done."

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