♬ Thirteen ♬

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Comment / prediction of the day !!

Lmao, I'm starting to ship Dan and Zoe more than Kenton and Zoe. I can totally see a love triangle in the future xD


If Alice isn't going to the dance with Kenton, then looks like I'll have to just get Kenton a cuter, much cooler date.

And who isn't cuter and cooler than Vanessa? Short, blonde, and dresses like Beyoncé on stage, she's exactly Kenton's type.

But there's one problem, she's the coolest girl in the school. And since I can't get to her, Dan will have to. I trust him, but he isn't so smooth with hooking people up.

I watched from the distance, pretending to read my book. Dan seemed to be confident, but Vanessa looked like she was about to barf. She was cool, but stuck up. It's hard for her friends to impress her.

Suddenly, Dan got up, walking away. He made eye contact with me for a split second, then looked down at his phone before continuing to walk away.

I felt my phone vibrate, and I looked down at it.

Dan: well ..

Me: well . . . ?

Dan: she won't go to the dance w/ Kenton

Me: what?! Why!

Dan: she doesn't know who he is, despite how popular he is. But then she said "you're cute, you're going to the dance w/ me"

Me: wow dan

Dan: I don't wanna go to the dance w/ the wicked witch of the west, you have to help me out !! I tried telling her I had a date already and I wasn't interested in switching , but she was NOT having it

Me: okay don't panic, I'll figure something out

"Zoe!" Oh lord.

I turned, looking at Kate. "I know what you're doing."

I raised an eyebrow at her, "What am I doing?"

"You're wrecking people's relationships. Gigi is single, and according to her when she ended things with Kenton, you were nearby."

Is she seriously blaming me for this? I mean yeah it's partly my fault, but she had it coming, "I had nothing to do with that."

"Sure you didn't." She scoffed, "If I find out Kenton and Alice are over next, I'm going to do some digging."

"You don't scare me."

She cackled, then walked over to my food, tossing it all on the floor before sitting on my table, "But you should be terrified."

"Whys that?"

She leaned closer to my ear, "I know you're Zoella."

I tensed up, "I am not."

"Oh really? Then what's that little dent on your nose, fake nose piercing? And what are the odds that Zoella just disappears after a party and nobody knows who she is? You're not Hannah Montana." She crossed her legs, "You can't pull this off."

"You're crazy."

She chuckled, "I guess you're right, why would a nobody like you even try a stunt like that?"

I resisted the urge to punch her in the face, tapping my finger on the table as she continued to babble. My mind raced, I knew being Zoella was a bad idea.

"Listen to me when I'm talking twerp!" She pushed me out of my seat, all eyes going on us as she stood up. "What's wrong, cat got your tongue!"

I looked at Dan, who was watching safely with his friends. Kate yelled endless profanities at me, but my eyes stayed on Dan. He finally looked back at me, frowning. My eyes said it all, help me, but his eyes said it all as well.

I'm too cool to help you.

"I'm sorry this happened baby." My dad said, kissing my head as he gave me an ice pack.

"It's fine." I said, looking down at my bruised sides and knee.

My dad sat next to me, "Are you sure you don't want me to go the school and talk to them?"

I shook my head, and he sighed before walking out. I winced as I placed the ice pack on my knee, sighing before I rubbed my side.

My phone rang, and I looked at the called ID. I ignored Dan's call, groaning when I heard the doorbell ring. The asshole came to my house.

I listened to my dad open the door, "Hi Dan, Zoe's in her room."

"Thank you Mr Banner."

A scowl played across my face as I listened to him ascend the stairs, and once he reached the tops of the stairs, I avoided all eye contact.

He shut my door, placing something on my bed. "I'm sorry."

I slowly glanced over at it, seeing a bouquet of daisies, "I know it's lame but I didn't know what else to do."

"You could've stuck up for me." I muttered, moving the ice pack to my side.

"I couldn't do that."

I scowled at him, "Why not? You're my only friend, Dan, why didn't you help me out!"

"Because I didn't wanna ruin my reputation." He said calmly.

"Who cares? You shouldn't have just watched! I was counting on you, dammit Dan!" I felt tears filling my eyes, but I refused to let him see me cry.

"Look, Zoe, as much as I hated to watch, if I said something I couldn't have done much."

I rolled my eyes, looking down at my bruised knee. "You're the only friend I have, Dan. How could you let me down like that?"

"Hey.. At least Vanessa met Kenton." He attempted changing the subject, which only made me even more mad.

"Are you kidding me!"

"I'm sorry!"

"No you're not!" I tossed my pillow at him, "You're embarrassed of me!"

"I.. No I'm.." He stuttered, which meant it was true.

I stood up slowly, limping over to him, "Look me in the eye, and tell me you're not embarrassed of me."

He stared at me for a moment, then let his eyes fall to the floor, "I'm not embarrassed of you."

"Look at me!" I grabbed his face and forced him to look at me. His eyes landed on mine, and I could've sworn he saw the flames in my eyes. Meanwhile, I saw a twinkle in his eye, and I watched as he sighed, "I.. I can't."

I chuckled dryly, limping back to my bed and laying down. I placed my ice pack back on my side, grabbing the daisies. "Go fuck yourself." I growled, then threw the daisies at him with all my might. He jumped back, then sighed.

"I'm sorry, Zoe."

"Fuck off."

It fell silent between us, and I watched as he exited the room, shutting my door behind him.

Finally, I broke down in tears. I went into my drawer, looking at my fake nose piercing. I tossed it back inside, slamming my drawer shut.

So much for friends. I knew I was better off alone.

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