♬ Twelve ♬

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Updates are going to be really late now ( about around 5-8:30 ) as I've joined the robotics club w/ my friend Justin and meetings are everyday after school and sometimes on Saturdays and Sundays

Prediction of the day:

I think a love triangle is going to happen with Dan and Kenton.

Enjoy the chapter !

Wednesday, and I was walking home alone, as usual.

But today, I had Zoella's friends to accompany me. Messaging almost twelve people at once, I was lost in my phone as I crossed the streets turned corners, not even caring when people snickered at me. Instead, I just smirked and thought, oh if only they knew I was Zoella..

Once I got to my house, I was grabbed from behind, my scream getting cut off when the person covered my mouth with their rather sweaty hand. I felt their chin on the top of my head, which meant they were either bent over a littler or they were just really short.

I felt them move their head around before dragging me with them behind my house. I was still squirming and screaming into their hand, kicking and punching. They didn't release me, and I felt my eyes fill with tears. I don't wanna die, not today..

Suddenly, they let me go, and I whipped around ready to pounce when I saw Dan, a devilish grin on his face.

"What the fuck!" I screamed, pushing and punching his chest with all my might, only earning endless giggles from him.

He let out a smug sigh, "Oh that will never get old."

I crossed my arms and turned away, "Fuck off Dan."

"Oh come on Zoe, it was funny." He popped his collar, and I rolled my eyes, a grin slowly making its way on my lips. "Yeah exactly you know you wanna laugh."

I chuckled a little, pushing him slightly, "What is it?" I asked, turning to walk to the front. Dan followed me, putting his hood up even though it was fucking one thousand degrees today.

He put his arm around me, and I looked at his arm, "Well, Zoe, good news and bad news."

I grabbed his hand and pushed it off my shoulder, "What?"

He rolled his eyes, "I was trying to be nice."


He scoffed, "Alice was asked to homecoming."

"By Kenton?"

"That's the bad news. She was asked by someone else before he got to her." He told me, earning a groan. He leaned against the wall, his arms crossed, "Not to mention that I can't even fathom why he didn't ask her last night."

I gulped, that may have been my fault.. "And what's the good news?"

"Kenton is still open, you can be his date!"

I laughed, unlocking my front door. "Like Kenton would want to go to homecoming with me."

Dan shut my door, "Maybe not Zoe, but he will want to go with-"

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