♬ Fifty Two ( Part Two ) ♬

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"My name is Greg Morales.. I'm Kaitlin Morales dad."

Daniel and I exchanged looks, "Whoa slow your role there buddy, Kaitlin never said anything about a father-"

"Yes she did." I budded in, "In her letter to me. I'll handle this babe, go upstairs."

Daniel shook his head, "No way, I'm staying right here."

I scoffed, must he be so stubborn? I stepped outside, shutting the door behind me. "Speak." I demanded.

"I'm looking for my family, do you know where they live? I went to our old house and they weren't there, an Asian family lives there." He told me, worry clear in his voice.

"Why now? After all those years of being gone?" I questioned, crossing to arms and leaning against the wall.

"Because it was wrong for me to leave. And I love my family very much."

"Really now? It seems you loved my mom a little more than your actual family." I jeered, "Zoe Banner, nice to finally meet the man my father over with my mother late at night."

I'm not sure whether I should refer to him as Greg or Mr Morales. He doesn't deserve to be referred to as a mister, as he sure as hell isn't one. "You know, Greg, Kaitlin told me a lot about you."

"What did she say? Was it good things?"

"Neutral." I shrugged, "She was just explaining to me that you loved my mother so much you divorced your wife in order to chase after someone who was already happily married, with a child and a baby on the way."

"Zoe, I swear, I had no intentions of hurting my family-"

"Oh don't worry you didn't hurt anyone, at least not that I'm aware of." I chuckled. I lifted my shirt, showing him a scar left from the first time Kaitlin ever hit me, "Your daughter abused me because you left her mother for mine."

Greg stared at the scar in shock, then turned away, "No way, Kaitlin is an angel. She wouldn't do that."

"Well you're not wrong about the first part."

He furrowed his eyebrows at me, "Excuse me?"

I stopped, chuckling as looking at him, "You really don't know?"

"What's wrong with my little princess? Is she okay?"

"Oh she's resting perfectly fine." I brushed it off, "I bet she wishes you were at her funeral though."

"No.." His shoulders dropped, and he used the railing as support.

"Kaitlin was hit by a car, doing guess what? Trying to ruin my life as usual." I told him, and his eyes widened.

"No you're lying to me!" He yelled, and I chuckled dryly. I pulled out my phone, pulling up Instagram and scrolling through my followers to a person who posted a photo of her grave. I clicked on the photo, then showed it to Greg.

He read it, and to my shock, he fell to the floor on his knees. I took a step back, opening the door as silently as possible. Daniel stared in confusion.

"My baby girl.." Greg muttered. Finally, he grabbed the roots of his hair, letting out an indescribable scream of horror, sadness and disbelief.

"Kaitlin!" He cried out, letting his hands fall to the floor, using that as his support to hold him up. I felt terrible, how could I just tell him the news like that? He deserved to find out from his ex wife or something.

"She died two weeks ago." Daniel spoke up, and Greg looked up.

"Louis!" He jumped up, grabbing my shoulders and shaking them, "Is Louis okay! He's my nephew I have to make sure he's okay!"

"He's fine," I pushed him off me, "I saw him a couple minutes ago at Kaitlin's gravestone."

"I could've prevented all this." He whispered. "She was such a princess. She didn't deserve any of this."

"Listen Morales," Daniel started, then cleared his throat when I glared at him for the attitude he was about to give, "I'll take you to Kaitlin's grave, if you tell us why you decided to come back."

Greg sniffled, running his fingers through his hair, making it a mess, "I wanted to get my life back."

"Kind of late for that don't you think?" I questioned, and Greg sighed.

"I pushed away my family because I was grieving the death of someone who didn't even love me back. A week ago, I thought I saw Kaitlin in the mall when I was shopping with my friend, and it kept me awake up until last night when I finally decided to take my family back. It was wrong for me to leave, I see that now. But my whole family fell apart. I'm too late. The second most important girl in my life is dead.."

It grew silent. Daniel was in deep thought, thinking whether or not he should help this poor man. "Was Kaitlin a good kid?"

"She was a party animal. Very snobby, but intelligent. She knew her worth, which is probably why she was so stuck up." I shrugged. "She wanted all things fabulous."

He chuckled, "That's my girl."

"The red car that's in the driveway, get in if you wanna see your daughter." Daniel commanded, and Greg rushed for the car. Daniel stepped outside, shutting the door and locking it. When he turned, I kissed him, "You're doing the right thing."

"Why doesn't it feel that way." He sighed, grabbing my hand and walking down the steps.

The car ride was filled with silence. Nobody knew what to say for personal reasons. This man is partially the reason my bully bullied me for so long, Daniel has finally met his late girlfriend's father, and the man who came back for his daughter and wife finds out his daughter is dead. There's nothing but the radio and constant sniffled heard in the car.

I was back in the graveyard in no time. Daniel got out first, then Greg and lastly me. Greg followed behind us, looking around for Kate's grave. When Daniel stopped in front of it, he pointed to it, "Here's your daughter."

Greg fell to his knees in front of it, staring at Kaitlin's photo. "Oh she grew up so beautifully.. I knew she would." His speech was choppy, as he was constantly cut off by sobs and sniffles.

Daniel put his arm around me, pulling me close. Greg placed one hand on the grace, "My little ladybug, I am so sorry. I've failed you in life.. In death I will not." He let out silent sobs, "My sleeping beauty I promise you, I will fix all my wrongs. I will make things right. I promise."

I felt so bad, just watching a grown man weep the death of his child. "I was supposed to die first." He muttered. "She had so much to live for.."

"We should go." I whispered to Daniel, and he nodded in agreement. He grabbed my hand, leading me around Kate's grave and towards his grave. My mom was buried in another graveyard, so I had nothing to weep. But the moment Daniel saw Everest's gravestone once more, I saw his nose turn bright red and his eyes well up.

We got in the car, and I noticed he was still holding it in. "Permission granted."

Daniel bursted out into tears, and it seemed Everest's name was engraved in each tear. But that's okay, it's over and done with. I can't blame him for loving someone who he didn't get to properly end the relationship with. I'd be upset too. So, I'll let Daniel grieve as long as he wants.

I just got home from Ohio : )

"Chris Brown those eggs!" ~ Hillary xx

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