♬ Twenty Nine ♬

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Comment of the day !

brb crafting


Any Dan and Phil reference is gonna get thrown in the spotlight just saying lmao

The song on the side comes in more towards when Kenton answers the door at the end of the chapter . You'll get why when you read it

( you can skip this author's note if you like ) I love how I'm writing this at every chance I get. Literally I wrote after my shower this morning, after that I wrote on the bus, and then I wrote on my way to English, when the teacher left for a moment, on my way to Marriage & Family, on my way to history, during history, on my way to gym class and in the locker room, and rn I'm writing this whole authors note during Spanish when everyone is doing their homework lol hey

Kenton texted me earlier while I was showering. He said he had to talk to me - well Zoella - about something important. I thought he wanted me to call him or something, but instead, he sent me his address and told me to come over.

I was dressed to impress for sure. I spent even more time on my makeup and picked the cutest nose piercing I have. Finally, here I was, standing in front of Kenton's front door.

My nerves were getting the best of me by now, but I was going to do it. I'll be okay. Right?

With a shaky finger and heavy breath, I rang the door bell, then tried to steady my breathing. I can't fuck this up. If things go great, maybe one day I could be with him.

I shook my head. Listen to me. I can't tell him I'm really Zoe. He won't trust me at all, and then he'll tell everyone.

The door opened, and I smiled widely at him. He returned the smile, "Hey, come on in." He moved out of the way, and I slowly walked in. I was awestruck, his house was spectacular! With expensive furniture all around, it was well kept and not a speck of dust anywhere.

"Come on, the kitchen is this way." He walked over to the kitchen, and I followed in pursuit. This isn't what I expected, at all.

Once I walks into the kitchen, I was shocked to find the whole kitchen was literally remodelled. I knew only because I remember this familiar scent. My mother, when she had the kitchen renovated, always said it smells like brand new wood. To this day I never forgot the scent.

"Nice place." I complimented, my voice cracking a little from nervousness. Kenton chuckled at the fact, causing me to blush in return.

"Take a seat, I'm just finishing up some homework." He pulled a chair out for me, and I smiled as I thanked him, then took a seat. He sat next to me, grabbing his pencil and continuing to write.

"So, what's so important that you called me over here?" I asked, trying to make conversation. This would definitely spark up a conversation, so no need to worry really.

He looked at me, "You know that girl Catherine I've been dating?" I nodded. "I broke up with her."

I blinked. "That was quick."

He chuckled. "She was just.. I'm not sure. She wasn't what I was looking for. I thought she was." He licked his lips, then tapped his pencil against the table, "I like someone else."

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