♬ Bonus Chapter (Prom)♬

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I took one last fateful look in the mirror, taking in a deep breath.

I felt like Zoella once again. The whole dressing up and going out partying thing was just so.. Her.

I put mom's diamond earrings on, tightening my pony tail once more as I paced back and forth in my white heels.

I put mom's diamond earrings on, tightening my pony tail once more as I paced back and forth in my white heels

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I looked at my phone, grinning before sitting on my bed and opening photos. I went into my favorites album, clicking on the video of Daniel asking me to prom.

It wasn't really anything major. Not like balloons from the ceiling major.

I clicked play, smiling as Kenton shows up on the screen, standing next to Ned.

"Okay, Dan's about to ask Zoe to prom." Ned whispered as the two boys walked. "He's got it all planned out."

"I hope she says yes." Kenton stated, and Ned cringed. "I would hope she says yes, it would be really worrying if she didn't."

The two boys laughed, and they exited the staircase they were in. After a minute of silence, they exited the school, and then came Daniel.

"Kenton please tell me you have it." Daniel worried, looking in the camera - not knowing it was recording - checking his teeth for food stuck in between them and fixing his hair.

Kenton nodded with a proud grin, "Of course I have it." Kenton held up a bag, and Daniel handed the phone back to Kenton.

Ned scratched his neck, "I texted Zoe already. She's grabbing her books and then she's coming to meet us here."

For a couple minutes the boys waited outside as Daniel ran around, screaming at everyone for things to be perfect.

"She's coming!" Ned screamed, and Kenton quickly pointed the camera at Daniel getting into a cardboard box, holding a bouquet of roses.

Kenton placed the phone down on the staircase, turning towards someone else's phone and pressing play, Tear In My Heart by twenty one pilots playing. Mine and Daniel's song..

Kenton handed confetti to everyone, then, there I was. In my horrible pink tank top, sweats and, of course, I was having a terrible hair day so I wore Daniel's hat that day.

As soon as the boys started to cheer, Daniel jumped out of the box, confetti falling around us. I took the flowers from Daniel, laughing before pulling him into a kiss. I remember him saying, "I know I'm late but I really want you to be my prom date."

This was last week.

I locked my phone as soon as I heard my dad begin to speak. "Daniel! You look so handsome!"

I stiffened, then loosened up as I remembered that Daniel's literally seen me in my worst, so what's to worry about?

"Thank you, Mr Banner."

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