♬ Forty Five ♬

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The comment of the day is in chapter 44 as this is a double update

It's been a couple weeks, Dan has disappeared off the face of the Earth, and the hate for me going around school has finally disintegrated. I was back to being the normal nerd and the girl with a crush on a popular: Daniel Grayson.

I was sat alone at lunch, as usual, enjoying the fact that nobody was staring or throwing things at me today. It was a causal day: I was in a tight blue shirt, baggy jeans and my dirty converses. I wore my contacts today, but had my glasses just in case I decided to switch at any moment.

I ate my sandwich, reminiscing over all the times Dan and I had. Like when we trashed Kenton's job, or the time we met. The time we met, it was lovely.

I always laugh when I think about how we met. How he slammed me against the wall as if he was kidnapping me. Who would've guessed that we would come so far that we'd fall in love?

I blame the day we went to the beach. That was when we had our first kiss after all.

All I have to do is look at things in a different light: It's December. We'll be on Christmas break in one week. There's still a couple things I have to do, like return Ned's Christmas gift and most likely Dan's, and replace those gifts with two new ones for my father.

Suddenly, the room went quiet. I swear to god if they're all staring at me again..

I looked up, spotting Dan standing at the end of the room. His eyes had bags underneath them, his hair was a mess, and he had on his glasses.

"Dan.. What are you doing?" I whispered, placing my sandwich down.

He sighed, then took off his sweater, exposing a Star Wars t shirt underneath. The room bursted out in laughter, but he didn't seem phased at all.

"Laugh all you want!" He smiled, "This is the real me! I'm the friend who helped Zoe turn herself in Zoella for every party! You know why? Cause I made the same mistake that I forced her to do! I changed myself in order to fit in!"

"You're a loser!" Vanessa called out, her friends laughing even more.

"Yeah, I am. And you know what, I'm fucking proud! I love Star Wars, I love superheroes, and I have a box full of comic books in my closet!"

Everyone's laughter died down, and I tried my best to hide my smile.

He looked over at me, "And you know something else? I'm in love with Zoe. Not Zoella, Zoe. Go ahead, laugh!"

The cafeteria didn't laugh, instead, I earned glares from all around. I got up from my seat, my eyes shooting back from Dan to Kenton.

"I told her the day she admitted to you all who she was, that I would love her no matter what decision she made. And I don't think she believed me." He began to walk up to me, pushing his fingers through his hair. "I also told her, that there was nothing I'd rather do, than be with her. Than to show her how much I'm in love with her. And I told her, if she didn't believe me, I will try anything to make her believe me."

He did that stupid magic trick once more, pulling roses out of his sweater. He held them out to me, "I've loved you since the day we made pizza together for your second appearance as Zoella. And I still do." He stopped in front of me, "And all I want you to do is accept my love."

The room filled with awes, but they were cut short by Vanessa cackling. "You two? In love? How cliché, the popular boy falling for the nerd."

Dan shrugged, "There's nothing wrong with it."

"That only happens in the movies, sweetie." Vanessa walked over to us, grabbing the roses, "Open your eyes, Zoe's a nerd and your a popular. Stop changing into something you're not."

"Leave them alone!" Kenton called out, and Vanessa rolled her eyes.

She looked back at him, "Shut it pretty boy, you're just mad that Dan's not popular anymore."

"Why would I be mad if I never cared if he was popular or not? Did you forget I was his best friend before he was Dan The Man?" Kenton fired back, leaving Vanessa speechless.

She scoffed, "Whatever, let's go girls."

Her whole table got up, following her out of the cafeteria. It was disgusting.

"May I have my roses?" I questioned, and she scoffed, tossing them in the garbage.

Dan looked back at me, "Who cares, there's plenty more where that came from." He pulled a single rose from inside my jacket, and I looked down at it in awe.

I giggled, "Oh Dan.."

"It's Daniel." He told me with a smile, and I saw something in him I never saw before.

He was genuinely happy.

"I love you, Zoe." He whispered, examining my face.

I pushed his glasses up his nose, giggling, "Good, because I love you."

He smiled down at me, then placed a soft kiss on my lips, pulling me into an embrace afterwards. "I'm so proud of you." I told him just loud enough to be heard over the clapping.

He backed away from the hug, looking at my lunch. "I'll sit with you, I doubt my 'friends' would want me to sit with them." He chuckled, taking a seat next to me.

He rested his head on my shoulder as I ate, looking through his phone. I opened my book, reading a passage from it to myself as I chewed.

He looked up at the book, snatching it from me. I rolled my eyes, turning to get it back, "Dan give it back." I whined, reaching for it.

He placed his hand over my face, pushing me back softly as he held it far from me. "Don't worry, it's out!" He looked at the cover, "The hell are you reading kind of smut?"

I laughed, taking the book back, "It's a good book." I stuck my tongue out at him, and he mirrored my action. We both laughed, and I kissed his cheek, intertwining our fingers.

Suddenly, my always empty table filled up, and I looked around, spotting the guys who usually sit with Dan now sitting here.

Dan gulped, awaiting an attack of some sort. Instead, they all smiled at us, talking to us like we were always friends.

"So, Dan, tell us about your girl."

Dan smiled widely, putting his arm around me, "Well, let me introduce you guys to her first.. Babe, this is Kevin, George.."

I feel like this chapter sucked I'm just gonna watch Dan and Phil now

Guess the song:

Beautiful girls, all over the world, I could be chasin', but my time would be wasted, they got ________________ baby.

I want the title & artist(s) for this particular song

Hint: this song was released in 2010 along w/ Airplanes (ft. Hayley Williams of Paramore) by the same artist

"Suck my power toe!" ~ Hillary xx

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