♬ Thirty Six ♬

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Comment of the day !

So cute, I hope those two kiss and make up soon lol


I highly suggest earbuds or being in a quiet room for this chapter , as there is a total of 3 songs to listen to throughout this chapter

My feet were killing me and I wanted to go home, but yet here I was, at Kenton's house, waiting for the plan to go down without a hitch.

At the moment I was standing outside of his room, waiting for him to finish changing out of his fancy clothes and into something more comfortable for him. When he opened the door, I was met with him shirtless and in sweats. "Come in."

I was salivating, honestly. This was my first time seeing Kenton shirtless, or any boy besides my father shirtless at that. And the fact that it was Kenton, what a sight to see.

I followed him into his room, checking to see if the drawings were still there. They were gone.

I sat down on his bed, crossing my legs as he sat beside me, "Tonight was fun."

I nodded, laying on my back. "It was. Definitely much better than the first dance I went to as your date."

"Oh yeah, sorry about that, by the way." He chuckled. "Alice wasn't even worth it."

"Trust me, I know."

He laid beside me, the both of us sighing as we stared at ceiling. We were consumed with silence, until he sighed, "Do you think.. Do you think Dan will ever say sorry?"

I turned my head to look at him, "He could."

"I'm such an asshole to him, there's no way he's going to. Especially after punching him." He sighed. "You know.. I bit him."

"You bit him?" I raised both eyebrows at him as his cheeked flushed. "Yeah, his arm. He tried to elbow me in the head so I bit him. He resided to punching after that, which didn't really make it any better."

I giggled, "What a fighter."

He grabbed a pillow, hugging it against his chest. "I apologize for Stevie's behaviours towards you. She's really nice once you get to know her."

"Doubt it."

It fell silent once again, which gave me time to think. When Alice and Kenton were together, I remember her saying all he did was talk a big music. Then why doesn't he do that with Zoella or Zoe?

"So, Kenton, tell me about your music."

He shook his head, "It wouldn't interest you."

"Yes it would."

"It doesn't interest anyone. Not even Aunt Christie and Uncle Patrick." He scoffed. "You know, if Dan didn't rudely cut into the slow dance, I would've kissed you."

"And I would've smacked you."


"Because, you pissed me off during the slow dance, remember?"

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