♬ Twenty Eight ♬

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Comment of the day !

I know I should feel bad for Kate, but I literally laughed when she got hit by the car lol


So glad someone found her incident humorous idky

I sat peacefully in the lunch room, reading my book with a smug smirk on my face. It was relaxing knowing Kate - excuse em Katilin - isn't here to ruin my life once more. But then, I felt a little lonely. I'm not sure why, but the fact that she always came towards me during lunch gave me some company even though I loathed the idea of her being near me.

I shrugged it off, looking up at Kenton's table. Catherine was sat near him, hugging his arm and resting her head on his shoulder. I grinned softly, even though my heart was shattered. But, as long as Kenton's happy, then I'm happy, I guess.

My mind trailed back to when I met Kenton. He was so little and so cuddly. I remember he asked me for the glue and I said no, and then we fought over it. Mind you, we were in like first grade.

A smile played across my face as I thought back to how I was put in the corner of shame with him, and then I apologized to him, and he did the same. He hugged me and asked me for my name. I told him it was Zoe, and then he said, "That's so boring, I'm gonna call you Zoella!"

I blushed at the memory, then placed my chin in the palm of my hand. So much has changed since the day we met.

Dan walked past Kenton's table, smiling at Ned as he spoke to him.

I remember meeting Dan. It was in fourth grade I believe. It was the year I got my first pair of glasses. I was sitting at recess, minding my own business. I remember seeing him and Kenton playing on the monkey bars together. They were racing to see who could get to the other side faster, and everyone was watching. I wanted to watch as well, so I rushed over and like the idiot I was, I stood on the opposite end. Kenton was winning, and Dan refused to lose. So Dan swung himself and tried jumping to the last one, but he missed and landed a top of me. Thanks to him my glasses broke, but he apologized immediately after. He had on glasses as well, but he could see fine without them. So he gave me his until further notice. And then, he never spoke to me again until this year.

I never said thank you, now that I think about it.

It's so crazy. Seeing Dan and Kenton sit across the room from one another. The two different social parties they're in. Although they're both popular, Dan's popularity is much higher than Kenton's.

I watched as Dan looked over at Kenton, and I followed his eyes. Once I looked at Kenton, he kissed Catherine's head, then looked up at me. He broke eye contact, then looked over at Dan. The two boys stared at each other, Dan grinned, Kenton grimaced. They broke eye contact and looked at their food.

It was so sad, seeing them like this. Considering how close they were back in grammar school. When Dan wasn't around, Kenton would've just sat and played his guitar during recess which he brought to school everyday. And Kenton wasn't around and Dan was, Dan would climb the trees and hang on the top - even though that was against school rules and he got after school detention for it.

There were those few rare times when I would leave the house with my parents and I'd see them hanging out. For example, I left the house with them because they wanted to take me to get ice cream. I will never forget this.

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