13 questions? 13 questions.

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R5 cause omg💘

I have been tagged yet again BFFs lol

^ Rules!!! ^

• you must post the rules
• tag 13 people
• you must answer the 13 questions given to you
• you must create 13 questions for the people you tag
• if you do not wish to do the tag, say so nicely
• tag backs are allowed
• finish this w/in a week of being tagged
• be creative w/ the title!

Onto the questions!! :)

1.) have you ever been to a music festival? If so, who did you see?

If you've been following me for a while you would know that I've been to 3 concerts. I've been to a One Direction concert, Katy Perry, and Adam Lambert

2.) what is your favourite genre of music?

Pop!! :)

3.) do you have a middle name? If so, what is it?

My middle name is Julia. I have such a white name wow

4.) do you have a favourite emoji? If so, what is it?

I really love this one > 🤔 < idky I use it a lot tho lol

5.) Clinton or sanders?

Clinton cause .. Idk I just - DONT ASK ME ABOUT DEMOCRACY

6.) savoury or sweet?

Savoury <3

7.) what are your pet peeves?

People who chew w/ their mouth open, stuck up people , people WHO CUT ME OFF ARE THE WORST THATS MY BIGGEST PET PEEVE, stingy people , any of Dan's pet peeves , people who say "Selena Gomez sucks" when they haven't even heard her music or watched her movies / tv shows or bought her clothes .. Taylor Swift🤗

8.) if you were to travel w/ only 3 things, what would they be and why?

I'd bring my best friend for company, The Amazing Book Is Not On Fire for when I sleep , and water cause I'm always thirsty idky

9.) how long have you been on wattpad?

Umm .. How long ago did I date Enrique? *counts* 3 years :)

10.) apple or android?

Apple dafuq

11.) have you ever been outside of the place you live in? If so, where?

I was born in North Carolina and moved here to New Jersey, so does that count? Umm.. OH! I went to P.A. back in 5 th grade and not to long ago w/ my best friend

12.) have you ever been to those social events, like vidcon, playlist live, comiccon, etc?

No *crafts*

13.) how old were you when you had gotten a phone?

Umm.. 9? That's when I got my first phone, but when I got this phone I was 14

Well that was fun :)

I now tag 13 people right?


humblebeez96 , HemmingsMyAngel ( 💘 ) , ThebaeisLukeHemmings , Infinity_Hipstas , MelHoran16 , Bffae123 , DanisnotonfireLolzor , olddirtymuser ( hey lol ) , louvinglouis , hiorhey_x3 , 1D_lover112 , 1Directioner111000 .. And you BFFs!!! :)

The questions are

1.) do you have a role model ? If so , who is it ?

2.) do you watch YouTube ? If so , who do you watch the most ?

3.) favorite music artist or actor / actress ?

4.) favorite movie ?

5.) do you have any hobbies ?

6.) do you have any friends on Wattpad ? If so, tag them in your answer :)

7.) Dan , Phil , or Dan and Phil ? *cheeky wink*

8.) Justin Timberlake or Bieber ?

9.) favorite wattpad author ?

10.) favorite book ( either wattpad or actual book is acceptable ) ?

11.) most used app on your phone ? ( mine is snapchat )

12.) best school year ? ( not grade wise I mean memory wise ) explain why :)

13.) you got games on your phone ?

Enjoy answering :) I did !

Don't worry I update in a couple minutes

I wanna see you smile! ~ Hillary xx

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