♬ Six ♬

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"Thanks daddy." I kissed my dad's cheek, looking at the food on my plate. I sat down at the dinner table, pushing my curls back and grabbing my fork. Before I could even take a bite of the lasagna, my phone began ringing on my dad's side of the table.

"Dan?" He questioned, sliding my phone over to me. I answered the phone call with a loud, exasperated sigh.


"Zoe, come to the high school, I have Chinese food."


"Do you always ask questions?"

"Yes." I rolled my eyes.

"Just come here, please." He groaned, "It has to do with Kenton."

Sunday night and I was going out again.

I got up from my seat, "I'll be right back daddy. I have a project to do and my partner needs help."

He nodded, frowning at me, "Okay. Be safe."

"I will, promise." I kissed his cheek once more, rushing out of the house. I grabbed my bike from the side of the house, jumping on as I ran up the hill away from the house.

I took the backroads, considering the highway would be too dangerous for someone on a bike. It added five minutes to the trip, but once I got there, Dan greeted me with a wave of his chopsticks, "Hurry up nerd!"

I didn't say anything, just walked over to him with my bike behind me. I sat next to him on the statue that was positioned outside. He handed me an extra pair of chop sticks, "So," he swallowed the noodles in his mouth, "I got intel from a fellow musician."

"Okay, tell me."

"Kenton and Gigi are going on a date right now, a picnic on the hill behind the gym." He waved his chopsticks as he spoke, his eyes scanning the area most likely for any cars that could be driving by.

"So what's the plan?" I questioned, eating some noodles.

He swallowed hard, then looked at me, "So I'm going to go into the gym. I'll have a little chat with my friend who goes to the gym every night. And while I do that, you're going to steal his clothes and run in the direction of their date."

Exercise? Oh lord.

I nodded, urging him on, "When we get to them, I'll 'tackle' you to the floor - no worries I won't really do it. When he sees Gigi with Kenton, and his attention goes to them, drop his clothes and make a run for it. I'll make sure he doesn't focus on you, okay?"

I gulped, "What if he sees my face?"

He smirked as he took his hoodie off, "That's what this is for."

"You want me to wear your hoodie? I'll look like a legit thief!" I pointed my chopsticks at his black hoodie, sighing as he placed it on my lap.

"How else is he supposed to run after you?" He got up, fixing his hair, "Trust me on this."

I rolled my eyes, sighing before putting his sweater on. I took one last bite of noodles before he hit them out of my hand, "No more eating." I scoffed. How obnoxious. "Now, give me at least two minutes to talk to him, and then come in and steal the stuff. By then I'll have emptied out his bag a little for you to run a little more smoothly with it."

"Where would you put the rest of his stuff?"

"In here." He held up a duffel bag beside him, patting it like it were his child, "This baby looks just like his, and I'll tell him that the bag you took was his to make it look like you planned to rob him."

He opened it up, showing me a tag, "Listen closely, you have to take the bag that says my name on it. It'll be the bag on the bottom of the locker, got it? And you can't take long to take his stuff cause he hates when people beside me or his other friends are touching his stuff. He will notice instantly if someone in a black hoodie and bootleg jeans is going through his stuff."

I nodded.

"Okay, let's go." He pulled out his car keys, and I looked at my bike, "I'll be taking my bike; thanks."

He shrugged, "Suit yourself."

I got on my bike, watching as he drove away before beginning to peddle. Almost instantly, a car beeped their horn at, flying at me at top speed. I jumped off, watching my bike get crushed underneath the tires. Looks like I'm walking..

When I showed up only fifteen minutes after my bike was crushed, sure enough spotting Dan's car across the street. I looked inside, seeing Dan look at me. He put down the weight for a moment, holding up his fingers as if to tell me something. I squinted me eyes at him, even though I had on my contacts. I rolled my eyes, holding up my phone. He rolled his eyes - his head moving along with it - texting me anyway.

Dan: locker 23. That's where his stuff is

I nodded, putting the hood up before walking in. I kept my head up, my best talent is blending in. I held my shoulders up as if I was buff, keeping a tough expression on as I pretended to walk over to the weights before sliding into the locker room.

I searched and searched, until I found it. Quickly opening it, I panicked. Which bag did Dan say to take?

The one hung up!

I grabbed it, struggling to carry it as it was so heavy. I looked at the name tag, seeing Dan's name. I nodded, then began to run out. I ran past Dan and his friend, hearing a gasp, "Ned, that person has your stuff!"

"Hey!" I heard weights drop, and I looked back after opening the door, turning to run up the hill. I threw the bag over the hedge, jumping over afterwards. I was loosing my breath already and I still have to run up the hill. Why the hell was this damn bag so heavy?

As I grabbed the bag and began running up the hill, sure enough I heard Gigi's laughter. She laughed pretty loudly.

Once we got to the top and I saw Kenton, I kept my head down so nobody saw my face. Gigi was cuddled into Kenton, holding his hand and kissing his cheek, meanwhile Kenton watches in astonishment as Dan tackles me to the ground.

"Ow." I mumble.

"Sorry." He apologizes before getting up.


"Ned?" I slowly lift my head to watch, Dan standing in my way. He stomps his foot, startling me before I got up and made a ran for it, without the bag.

"Hey, they're getting away!"

"Ned, forget them! Your brother's girlfriend is cheating on him!"

That was all I heard before I began tumbling down the hill. As I tumbled, I felt bruising physically forming all over my arms and legs. Once I reached the bottom, I rolled into the hedge, making me groan before crawling out. I pulled twigs out of my hair, getting up and looking at Dan's sweater. Oh lord he's going to murder me tomorrow..

I tried my best to dust off the dirt and mud, but only made it worse. How am I going to lie to my dad about this? Plus my bike got ran over.. Shit.

But, to be fair, this was the most eventful Sunday night I've had since mom died. It was rather entertaining.

How was this chapter? Shit?

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I wanna see you smile! ~ Hillary xx

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