♬ Forty ♬

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Literally all my friends when I told them about Louis

I figured that if I was going to prom with Louis, I might as well get to know him.

I decided to ask Dan about him, so I met up with him outside of his locker after school when nobody was around.

From down the hall, I cried out his name, and he looked at me, a little smile on his face. "Hey!" He called back, and I rushed over.

I leaned against the locker. "Surprised you're not with Kenton or Ned."

He shrugged. "I'm meeting up with Kenton at the tree stump, we're going to see who can get across the monkey bars the quickest." He chuckled. "What are you doing after school?"

"I'm not sure." I paused, pretending to think. "Do you know who Louis is?"

He furrowed his eyebrows. "Last name?"

"Not sure." I replied honestly. "Has brown hair, brown eyes.. Asked me to prom today-"

"You got asked to prom?" Dan's eyes darted in my direction, and I nodded slowly. "Oh.. Well, I'm happy for you." He grinned.

I smiled. "Right? He seems like a nice guy so I said yes." I shrugged. "Well, any idea who he is?"

He thought about it, "There's a Louis on the track team, try there. They practice outside on the track around the football field."

Track? Doubt it. "Thanks, I'll check it out."

I waved, rushing towards the steps and rushing down. I got strange looks from people, running towards the exit just to head to the back.

I sat on the bleachers, my earbuds in and my mind a blur as I laid on my back and looked up at the sky. I don't understand how the track team can run out here, I'd freeze my ass off. Besides, I hate any form of physical activity, which is why I suck at gym class.

Suddenly, I heard a whistle blow, and I sat up, fixing my glasses on my face to look. The track team was out, each member stretching and talking to their friends. I scanned the crowd, and sure enough, my eyes landed on Louis. He wore his track team jersey, sweat pants, and running shoes.

"Alright! Five laps, let's go! No stopping!" Five laps? Jesus on a stick that's a lot of running. I'd die on the first lap.

I watched as Louis ran in front of everyone, still talking to his friends. I won't lie, he was extremely attractive. If I didn't already like Dan and Kenton, I would like Louis instead.

The five laps for him went by in a second. By the time he finished, most people were still running their fourth. So I decided to catch his attention.

"Yay Louis!" I cheered, jumping up. Louis, along with one of his friends, turned and looked at me. He visually lit up at the sight of me, his lips curving into a smile that was wide enough to wrap the world as if it were a blanket, his eyes shinning, and his shoulders no longer drooping.

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