♬ Fifty ♬

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I told Louis I like him

So this is how it went down:

After that I paced back and forth at my locker, biting the shit out of my nails from complete and utter nervousness

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After that I paced back and forth at my locker, biting the shit out of my nails from complete and utter nervousness . Then all my friends who knew I liked Louis came to watch cause I texted hella people "QUICK COME COMFORT ME IM TELLING LOUIS I LIKE HIM IN LIKE FIVE MINUTES" literally 10 of my friends came running down the hall , one of them didn't even close their bookbag all the way so all her papers were falling out xD

After a couple minutes I saw him turn the corner and I felt my heart stop and in my mind I was just like "shit shit oday I can do this" and then all my friends acted like they didn't know me and ran across the hall to make it seem like they weren't watching

He said "hey" and I was just like "hey !" And then he hugged me hello , and then leaned against my locker waiting for me to tell him the news . I didn't really think it out so the whole time I was just like "I uh.. Shit no not like that .. Okay remember the advice I asked you for the other day ? No not like that either fuck Hillary" and then after like 15 minutes I was just like "okay Louis I'm gonna say it really fast" and he goes "as if you're not talking fast enough" and he was just laughing , and I was just like "okay .. 3 .. 2 .. 1 .. IREALLYLIKEYOULOUIS" and then I threw his earbuds at him cause I was holding them

I was expecting him to cringe or something, but instead he laughed . "I know Hillary" was all he said . And then I was like "yeah .." And he said "I was waiting for you to admit it . I knew this whole time" and then I was blushing like a motherfucker

And then I said "well I know you don't like me back so I figured that I'd just .. You know get it over w/ now" and he just got serious as hell and was like "whoever said that?"

I was just like "what"

And he was like "okay since neither of us are man enough to do it, I'll just come right out and say it.. So do you wanna maybe hang out sometime?"

And inside I was just like "HELL THE FUCK YEAH"

But I was just like "I mean .. *smiles like a fucking idiot* I would love to Louis if that's okay w/ you"

And then later on one of our friends called me and was like "HILLARY LOUIS TOLD ME THE NEWS!" And i was like "SHIT I WANTED TO TELL YOU" and she was like "HE CAME RUNNING UP TO ME SCREAMING 'JACKIE I HAVE A DATE WITH HILLARY' HE'S SO EXCITED HILLS" and I was just smiling and she goes "HE CALLED YOU HIS GIRLFRIEND"

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