♬ Fourteen ♬

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Comment of the day:

shiet that was great
and Dan should of said he was going to the dance with Zoella lol


It has been brought to my attention that one of my BFFs is a very famous wattpad author, and someone is pretending to be her. The reason I have noticed is because the imposter has followed me and even though she was kicked off of Wattpad , she made a new one. I do not in any way approve of this , and if you do see this happening in the future please stop it.

Okay I go to sleep now

It's been two weeks since I last spoke to Dan, and here I was, at the homecoming dance sitting next to my dream boy.

"Thanks for coming with me again, Zoella." Kenton said, handing me my punch. I smiled at him, "Definitely."

I played with my nose piercing, looking around the room. "Why didn't you go with Alice?"

Kenton sighed, "I mean we still like each other, but somebody else asked her before I could. She said she would've gone with me if I asked before, but I guess I was too slow."

I looked at him, "Well, looks like her date isn't here." I jerked my head in her direction, and he looked at her.

I could tell he wanted to go and get her, but he didn't wanna hurt me. "Kenton, go and talk to her."

"But I'm here with you. You're my date, not her."

I grinned. He was loyal, that's good. I felt my cheeks turning rosy, and I covered it up with a fake sneeze, "Bless you." Kenton said, taking a sip from his punch.

Kenton rested his chin in the palm of his hands, watching everyone dancing. "Shall we dance?"

I perked up, "Sure."

He got up, walking over to me and holding a hand out. All my fantasies are coming true..

I grabbed his hand, getting up and following him onto the dance floor. They stopped the fast song, changing to a slow one. Once Kenton found an open spot on the dance floor, he placed his hands on my hips, smiling down at me as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Can I ask for your opinion on something?"

"In other words, advice?"

He scoffed, "I'm eighteen years old, I don't need advice I need a pep talk!"

I laughed and he smiled, sighing slightly after, "There's this girl who likes me. She's sweet and all, but I just don't like her in that way."

"What's her name?"

"Zoe, I think." The fact that he said 'I think' really tugged at my heart. He doesn't even remember my name.

"Okay, so what's so bad about this girl?"

"I'm not interested, how do I get her off my case?"

"Well instead of telling someone, tell her." I shrugged it off.

"But girls are so fragile." He sighed, "I don't wanna hurt her. She's a nerd, who knows how she'll react."

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