♬ Twenty One ♬

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Phil Lester. That is all

Comment of the day

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I didn't update yesterday cause I was busy playing my PS4 w/ the guys from robotics all day and I completely forgot .. Sorry lmao . Enjoy !!

Tonight was the school play. Every year our school has a theme and the play is usually what picks the theme. This year, our theme was the police. The play this year was about a young cop named Lexi who was on a search for a boy who robbed a store. She ends up falling in love with him and helping him escape the town or something like that.

The only reason I was doing this was because of Kenton. The cop Lexi was played by Catherine, our next victim to hit with cupid's arrow.

I showed up dressed as Zoe and not Zoella, as I was too lazy to dress up tonight.

I took a seat in the front row, looking around. I was here alone, like always. Dan and I were no longer partners from what I've come to understand. To be honest, I felt a little lonely. But I was over it.

The lights dimmed, and I looked up, seeing the curtains open.

"Sometimes, I look back at it." Catherine walked out, speaking into her headset with a small frown. Everyone clapped for her, as she bowed her head, still in character.

"I don't know how it happened. It all happened so fast.. He ran, and I ran with him. And then.. He stole it. He stole my heart. But the question is.. How does the law fall in love with the anti-law?" She looked to the right, and suddenly, the lights went out. When they came back on, she was dressed in a cop uniform. There were no traces of clothes on the floor, which amazed everyone.

"The law and the anti-law are meant to hate each other. We're like cats and dogs. The cool kids and the nerds. Drake and Meek Mill." The paused to let people chuckle, "We just don't fit."

My mind trailed back to Dan. We don't fit together, why did we try?

Suddenly, the lights dimmed, "But then again, opposites attract, right?"

The play wasn't bad, even though I almost fell asleep. All the late nights I've pulled lately are beginning to take a toll on me.

The auditorium emptied out, and I climbed atop of the stage. I walked backstage, looking around at all the people running around. The actors were taking their make up off and changing into sweat pants and tank tops. Is this what it's like behind the screen?

Then I saw Catherine still in costume, talking on the phone. I walked over to her, tapped her shoulder lightly, waiting for her to turn. When she did, she eyed me down and up. "I'll call you back.." She hung up, cocking an eyebrow at me. "I don't give out autographs." She said in a joking manner, giggling afterwards.

I grinned, "I don't want an autograph.. I have a proposal."

She placed her hands on her hips, "Slow down there sweetie, I don't even know your name."

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