♬ Fifty Three ♬

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"Goodnight my sweets, get lots of rest for tomorrow, Christmas." My father kissed my forehead, and I grinned, "Night daddy, don't worry, I'll be more than energized for Christmas."

He shut the door behind him, and I sighed, locking it after I heard him shut his bedroom door. I walked over to my closet, taking in a deep breathe and opening it. I stared at the photos and selfies of Zoella and her friends. I then looked reached up and grabbed a small box, opening it. I saw three different fake nose piercings.

I won't lie, I miss being cool. I miss being able to party and have fun each night. But it does get tired and repetitive after a while.

I grabbed my favorite nose piercing, smiling to myself. I mean, it wouldn't hurt to put it on, right?

I put it on in the blink of an eye, then looked in the mirror. I slowly slid my glasses off my face, examining Zoella's face before me. I took my hair out of the braids it was in, then looked out the window. If you looked closely enough at the window sill, you'd see red nail polish that stained the sill when I was having trouble opening my window.

There's a party happening right now at Ned's house. I could go, simple. But I swore my life of partying I was over.

I took my fake nose piercing off and placed it back in the box, pushing it back into the back of my closet. I put my hair back in quick and easy braids, then turned off my light. I quickly got under my covers, closing to eyes.

I drifted off in a matter of time, only to wake up to the sound of a female voice downstairs. My father was speaking to someone, I couldn't quite make out who it was.

I headed downstairs, and to my shock, I saw myself talking to my dad.

"Zoella, I'm sick of you going out and partying all the time! Why can't you be like your sister!" The girl turned around, and I was met by a mad faced Zoella. "You abandoned me!" She screamed at me.

I took a step back, "What?"

"You left the party after I told you to wait!" She yelled, stomping towards me. When she got in my face, I reached my hand out and touched her face, realizing her nose piercing was in fact real, and she was actually real.

"You're.. You're real?" I questioned, and she scoffed. "Typical, you don't even remember your own twin."

I was so taken aback, I couldn't gather my thoughts. It's as everything was out of place right now.

The doorbell rang, and she huffed, walking towards it. She opened the door, and she was met by not Daniel, but Dan The Man, wearing his leather jacket, jeans, shades, his hair brushed and quiffed, and his signature smirk.

"See you later loser. Oh, by the way that loser boyfriend of yours called."

Loser? Boyfriend? No, Dan's not a loser! That's my boyfriend right there!

I rushed for the door, and she slammed the door, causing me to run right into it. Sure enough, the house phone began to ring, and I quickly answered. "Daniel?" I asked, and the person was silent.

"Babe are you okay?" It's Louis.

I quickly hung up the phone, rushing for the kitchen. I saw my dad in his apron, cooking breakfast. "Good morning Zoe, breakfast?"

"Daddy, Zoella's not real!"

He furrowed his eyebrows at me, "What are you talking about? She's as real as ever. She's been your twin sister since birth, I think I would know if my own daughter was real." He chuckled, and I felt my heart drop out of my chest. This can't be happening.

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