♬ Twenty Seven ♬

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Comment of the day !

I hope they realize they both said they loved each other because it seems like it didn't sink in lol. Finally Dan made a move. 😀


Who has a suggestion for songs for Dan and Zoe ? I vote WILD by Troye Sivan

The person who puts in a good song will get a dedication next chapter :) I love involving you BFFs it's fun lol

It's bad to say he wasn't on my mind, because that would be a lie. And lying is a sin.

But the events of a couple nights ago, between the fighting and the way things ended that night, I can't seem to shake him. No matter how hard I try.

"You good?" I looked up at Ned, who was grinning at me.

I shrugged, "I guess."

Dan told Ned about what happened. And because of it, Ned has made sure we're not left alone anymore. The bruises he left on my chest still remain, like paint blots. But what was a girl to do?

"You haven't even had a bite from your Oreo Frap." He leans back in his seat, and I slouched. "Wanna hear a funny joke?"

I sighed, "Not really, but go ahead."

( this actually happened be prepared for my terrible joke )

"Okay, so one day, my family and I went to the beach with Dan's family when we were in middle school. We brought a cooler with us, and on the lid it said DO NOT SIT ON LID. Dan sits on the cooler and starts eating a sandwich, and I said to Dan, 'dude you're not supposed to sit on the cooler.' Dan looks at me says 'Well I'm doing it anyway.' And so I said, 'Well, now you're not gonna be any cooler.'" Ned ended the joke with jazz hands, and I couldn't help but chuckle at how bad the joke was but also at the fact that he actually believed the joke was funny.

"Was it funny?" He asked, giggling.

I shook my head, "No, no it was not." I stated as I pushed my glasses up the bridge of my nose.

"Ned?" Ned looked up, and quickly coughed loudly. I ripped my glasses off my face, tossing them into my bag. I took my hair out of its pigtails and then looked at the person coming our way. I couldn't see shit, but who cares.

"Hey Ned!"

"Kate.. Hi!" I could tell he was faking a smile, so I did the same.

"Hello Zoella." She huffed. "Kate."

"I was just about to go buy Dan's Christmas gift, Ned would you like to come with me?" Kate asked Ned, and even though she was a bit blurry, I could tell she was twirling her hair like the bitch she is.

Ned shook his head, "No, no thanks."

"Please? You know him better than I do." She begged, and I blinked a couple times. I squinted at her, clearing up my vision a little. She had on all black and purple lipstick, like she usually does. Just today she wasn't wearing eyeliner.

"Fine.. Wanna come Zoella?"

I gulped, "Okay."

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