P: Threats T: Dareing

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I didn't think that I would be suffocated

The pressure it deepens

Down deep in my chest

My lungs they struggle to expand

I breathe in

But it only comes back

On me

This is what happens

When you're young and you can't be

In control of the actions that were before you were born

Genetic mutations

The food says no

You heart and beats slower

And your lungs they scream

I want to breathe

I want to see

What it's like to be without these things

But then you think

What would I be if I wasn't like this

Pain tolerance

I can't feel that shot gun bullet going through my heat

I'm too stuck in my head about the emotional pain

The pain that haunts me every day

No physical pain could change that

My organs they say I want to shut down

But I won't take that

Ill fight

Fight for the attempt

I will not give in

To the. Pain

There's just no way.

As my lungs say no

My ,ind says keep trying

My body says stop moving

And I try to keep my eyes open the best they can

I'm hurting

I don't want to mention that I'm hurting

But I try to look as ecstatic as can be

Here's the thing

I try to get past these times

I'm losing my head

My breath it becomes slower

And harder to take it

This is what I call helplessness

When you feel like your a officiating

You try and try to breath in but it just doesn't let you exhale

This is what it's like

For me

This is the first time it's been in years


I have asthma

And I knew from the start

But now it's worse

I don't know why I even tried in the first place.

I wish I could fix myself

By I'm who I am because of what I be done

I want to do all these things

But medical say that I have to stop

But no one can tell me

That I'm not good enough

No one can tell me

That I'm going to give up

So ill face this

Even if its hard to breath

Ill face

And I'll just tell it

To scream

Leave me be!

So here I am

My breath shallow

My lungs having a hard time

But I'm not panicking

I'm doing what I can

So tell asthma

What's your next plan?

All The Obstacles Never End Mentally, Enthusiastic Notes TakenWhere stories live. Discover now