P: Influencing Scar T: hurt

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You hate me

I see that

But why do I feel so close

Why do I want to hold you?

You think I'm stupid

I'm showy

I'm just showing off

I'm boastful

Well, what do you want

You keep changing your mind on me

I wish I could connect to you more

But I can't seem to understand

Why you keep changing your mind

All these people that you like

When I turn into them

You get all disgusted and turn around

Why would you do that? You ask

Then I sit there

And I wonder myself

Why do I care

Why to I even put the effort into that

I really can't stand it

I'm trying too hard to gain your attention

I just want you as a friend

I say love because you gave me the attention

Did I really screw things up this hard

Did I tighten situation when I was sober

I don't understand your logic

I want to help you

I want to see you

Just crack a smile

It's funny when I see you laugh because then

I know you're happy

But then you turn towards me and its all over

You won't answer a text

Every calls a reject

I'm tempted to just go to your house and ask you in. H face

Because how am I

Supposed to a situation

When were like this?

I got this thing for you

I think it's perfect for your birthday

But I don't know

If I'm willing to say that ill get it today

Because that requires me to save

The time that I spend

Thinking about my day

It requires effortless pay

Did you even consider

That I really care

I know that you know

And I know that you've dared

But what happen then

I'm starting to lose my head

You drive me up the wall

And yet I'm here in tears

Because it hurts that much on the inside

All The Obstacles Never End Mentally, Enthusiastic Notes TakenWhere stories live. Discover now