What's Wrong Part Two

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 Now let us take a step farther

Since you’re here now

We’ll start there

Tell us about your home


What do you mean by home?

I’ve heard you have more than one

Tell us.

What is wrong with home?

Home is here

I have three

One far

One near

One in between

I am far

That’s where I’ll start.

This is the ‘main’ house so it seems

When ‘visitors’ come over I’m first to go

When we have ‘family’ dinner it’s rare to show

A smile, one real

Because that’s not the show

At dinner we start with a lecture

You should care for you ‘elders’

By ‘elders’ I mean for yourself

Because what ever you do reflex on ‘ourselves;

That’s the main point

But I’ll continue

“We want you to depend on us” BUT

“We have no time for you.”

I’m tired

I’ll do it tomorrow

I have things to do!

I need the today!

Oh, well

Boo Hoo

“You’re so selfish!”

“You don’t think about us!”

“Don’t expose us to the world.”

“You’d be giving to much”

“Information” “To those around us”

Sorry, Mom

I already told everyone my thoughts

“Keep your mouth shut.”

“If you have nothing good to say don’t say anything at all!”

“Let them do wrong.”

“Don’t judge.”

“Don’t affiliate with them.”

“Let them be.”

How can this be?

Let them do wrong

Let them?

No no

THAT is wrong

I’m going to go tell them what I think

“No! Don’t do that! Don’t worry about them!”

And let them stay ignorant

Oh! Let’s just be vague.

That’s not what we’re here for

“Oh, Behave.”

No! I shan’t let them be

How can I wish

How can this be

Let them do wrong

Let me,

At least, Ask them what they think


What is that important to you?

You should care more about your family.

My family?

You mean those people who ‘hold’ me?


More likely

Hold me up and give me confidence?


Didn’t think so


The reason why I have three homes


“Don’t talk about your family like that.”

All The Obstacles Never End Mentally, Enthusiastic Notes TakenWhere stories live. Discover now