P: Lost At Sea T: Thoughtful

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When you just don't want to care anymore but then you know that everything will fall apart the moment you let go. Yet you want it to rain down so people know. But you hold it up because you still have strength to keep on going. So what do I choose? My arms are getting tired. Someone help with the load.

It’s not time for sulking

It’s not time for tears

But you feel the urge

It’s coming up to here

Above you head

You look up at the sun

You’re drowning in your own stress

Swim up

Take a breath


Just take a second and breathe

You ask for help

Yet your cries are covered

By sirens


Alarms to take cover

But you can’t

There’s no hiding that you can do

So what do you do

You stand

Standing up you look at the crowd

You’re above water

But you’ll soon be pulled down

The only thing keeping you going is the strong will that you have

That weakens

You look up at the sun

So high up and migty

So bright it’s blinding but you can’t help but stare

All the way up there

It looks so happy

To just beat down on you

With the heat it’s producing

But maybe it’s just trying to cool off

Since it’s always burning up

And then at night it’s relieved from it’s duties

You close your eyes

You imagine

The strength

The guidance you need

No one comes to mind

You look around

You’re floating in the open ocean

You’re lost at sea

Sea of stress that is

Around you nothing bends

Things look a like

And the closer you swim the farther you truly get

The waves push you around like bullies

And you are bonded by internal suffering

You don’t know what to do

You gasp fir air

Your arms grow ware

And you start to want to float

Or rather sink in the condition you’re in

Soaked in stress

All The Obstacles Never End Mentally, Enthusiastic Notes TakenWhere stories live. Discover now