Tone: happy/inspired
Intro: a poem to my current girlfriend Jean Douangkesone. Lol thanks to autocorrect I don't have to spell her last name XD. As of today we've been going out for a month and four days. I know that's not a long time but my last relationship lasted for ages so I'm taking this one by the days.
The truth is that I love you
No matter what I say
Because at this point
I miss you
Every other day
It's bad that I say that I can't stand you
But you annoy me in a good way
For some reason
I dont want to be around you
But when I'm not
I want you to stay
These tug of war feelings that I have
I wish they would just make a choice
Because sooner or later
I'm going to lose you
If I don't think twice
I love you
I truly do
In my heart you have a spot
And even though I push you away
Annoy me anyway
Because I'll get over it
Whether I like it or not
I have no legitament reason to leave you
Even though it has crossed my mind
A time or two
But nonetheless I love you so
So please don't go
I love you
I mean it
When I kiss you
I need it
When I hold you
I'm telling you
That I still want you here
And oddly enough
I'm writing
Because I've missed you too much
I'm not sure what you are to me
But you've really helped me out a lot
You brought the girl that I crushed on for years to be just my friend
Then you got girls wanting me to make amends
My best friend is watching out for me
Even though she is far she's closer than before
Another is stocking me
Which makes me laugh
But either way she thinks were cute together
You have changed my life
And I'll admit that I didn't think you would stay
But I asked you
So why just walk away?
Which is the question I've been asking myself
And I've answered it just now
I'm thankful that I have you
That BFF of yours isn't the best
She's a bitch
And we both know it
But nonetheless
She's a little problem
Verses how much I've actually fallen for you
And even through your moments
I'll see through
You tell me to overcome the inevitable
But all I do is accept
I'm sorry to put you down but if I could grow out of the medical problems I would have by now
You have a place in my heart
I don't want to tell you that though
It's a secret that I'll tell the world
But not the one who it's about
You are mine and I am yours
And for now that's how the story goes
But I like this phase
So I'll keep reading
And writing while I'm at it
Thank you for what you have done
You have no clue what any of it is
And I'm not going to admit it to you
Because then you'll overreact
But one day I'll tell you it all
I'll tell you how much you've done
For now I'll just let you work your magic
Because I love you
And I'm thankful for what you have done.
Conclusion: I never thought Jean would change my life like she has. Se used to just be an annoying flute player that I pushed to the side and picked on but then I decided that I should ask her out and I did. Now here we are. I didn't think we would last but we are so far :)