E: Pen Pal T: Curious

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Pen Pals.

 Okay. So what if I’m a guy and I like pen pals? I really need something to occupy my spare time. Honestly, I need something to pick up when I get depressed and I can read and it be like. Whoa someone wants to talk to me so here’s the deal. Send me a message if you’re interested. And yes, we’ll have to fork over each other’s addresses. I know that’s weird but that’s the only way we can send notebooks or journals or even letters to each other. I want to do this because I like getting to know people but it would help my penmanship ten fold and as a guy it’s not that great... A simple form to follow when sending the journal if you want to start it.

 Your name:


 Career Choice:

 Name some bands and or genres in music:

 Do you like living where you’re living:

 Place in order: Stories, Poems, Lyrics

 -Tell why

 Is there something you want to tell me?

 -You can write a journal to me and talk about your personal life if you’d like. I’ll share as well.  If there’s someone you need to talk to I’m here. You can send them in letters or you can send me journals and wait until I respond (May I warn it may take up to a week for me to actually write back. Also, consider that if you are not in the United States then we’re going to have some fun sending letters to each other.

An Example: I’m going to probably write my second journal to my best friend Skyler. My first journal that I wrote was to Lily, another very close friend of mine that had been driven away from me. I wrote to Lily when I felt the need to or when she was on my mind. For this next one that I’m going to write I’m going to direct it towards Skyler and tell her of my day or how I would talk to her if I could. I can talk to Skyler. Although, I just seem to be able to write better about my day or about things that I want to share when I’m writing to someone. You see, Main has journals and she directs them to the journal itself. Lustryess directs hers to her crowd of friends and I will pick someone and just write to them. I picked skyler for the second person because I knew that she wouldn’t want to read it. Maybe one day when she bored enough she could pick up the book and she could read it if she wanted but over all. She’s read so much of my work because I’ve asked her to that she’s burnt out. As you guys know I write a lot and every one of my friends knows this. But this is why I want to start writing to others because not only is it fun and amusing. It just seems to be out of date to send someone a ‘letter’ or a journal and actually write in it. All the conversations now a days have to go through typing or the internet. I like taking things back to the old days. Where it didn’t take a split second it might have take a day, a week, or even a month to write to someone. It’d be fun to try.

 Overall. I’m not forcing anyone to do this. I just want to see who’s open to it and try it out. I have a ton of spare journals collected up and I wanted to try and get rid of them. Or at least fill them so why not try this way? We may start with a crappy looking journal because I literally almost have a hundred just sitting there but don’t worry. It’s not what’s on the outside of the journal that matters it’s what’s on the inside! So, with no further or do I’ll end this with saying I’m here and you can tell me anything. Because those words are true.

All The Obstacles Never End Mentally, Enthusiastic Notes TakenWhere stories live. Discover now