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All I ever wanted

Was to be able to think clearly

I over jump the situation

And then I end up falling

I don't know what I should do

When I can't think once because I doubt

The things I say

I'm not sure if I'm good enough in that way

I see the situation for all sides

I do my best

At least I can see it three times

In my head

And then there's insanity

Tell me

That i should think again

When I should have been okay with once

But there are two other times that make it a charm

The only thing that I can't do

Is think to myself

That it's okay to go with one decision

So then I think over

And over

and over

I lose myself

Over and over

I'm not completely lost

But I don't know if I'm found

All The Obstacles Never End Mentally, Enthusiastic Notes TakenWhere stories live. Discover now