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"Come on Y/N! It'll be fun!" Caroline begged me from down the phone.

I hesitated for a moment but sighed a fine. She squealed happily and hung up.

Caroline had called me to see if I wanted to hang out at the Grill. I didn't want to. I'd rather curl up in my warm bed with a good book. However, I had to drag my lazy ass up to change and be this thing called 'sociable'.


I changed into black skinny jeans, a red shirt that hugged my figure and a leather jacket. I brushed my hair and left it down. After applying minimal make up, I walked out the house and headed to the Grill.

When I arrived at the Grill, Caroline was sitting at one of the booths on her phone. She looked up and saw me. "Hey Y/N!" She hugged me and I hugged back. Both of us sat down and chatted for a while.

"You wanna drink?" I asked Caroline.

She nodded. "Just a diet coke, please."

I strolled over to the bar, ordering the drinks. When I looked back to Caroline, she was over at the pool tables.

The bartender gave me the drinks and I carried them over to the pool table. Caroline was setting up as I placed the drinks down. She passed me a cue and I broke, making the balls roll all over the table with a loud crack.

As Caroline was about to take her shot, two guys walked in and sat at the bar. One of them looked older than the other, he was blond with gorgeous eyes and good looking. The other looked younger. He had dark brown hair, and a look in his dark eyes which just screamed trouble. He was rather handsome. There was no way I wasn't captivated.

I managed to tear my eyes away from him, only to notice Caroline scoffing at the older one. "Who are they?"

"Oh my God, Y/N! Are telling me you don't know? They're the Original vampires. Y'know Klaus, Elijah ect." She explained to you whilst blushing at Klaus.

"Oh them. Why are you blushing Caroline?... Oh my god! Don't tell me something happened between you and Klaus?" I giggled at her.

"Shut up idiot! Vampires have super hearing! He'll hear you!" She hissed.

I held my hands up in surrender. "I don't blame you, Care. He is quite good looking. But the other one is really handsome, don't ya think?" I asked, glancing over at him. He wasn't looking at me but I saw him smirk. Wait, vampires had focused hearing right?

"Eww, gross! Kol? Defiantly not! He's a jerk." Caroline gagged.

I shrugged and lent over the table, aiming my cue, only to miss. "I'm quite bad at this."

Caroline downed her drink and shoved her glass in my hands.

"Yeah you do. And since you suck, you can go get us another drink." She ordered in her usual Carloline way.

"Yes your highness." I said sarcastically and walked to the bar. As I walked past Kol, I felt his eyes on me.

I ordered another drink and waited. My eyes snuck a glance over at Kol whilst I waited and found that he was already looking at me. My lips gave him a small smile, only for my eyes to look away and my cheeks to blush.
I couldn't see him but I could practically feel him smirk again.

Walking back to Caroline, I felt his gaze never leave me. I bit my lip and winked at him, feeling a shred of confidence which was rewarded with a mischievous grin. God, that smile was gonna be the death of me.

After 10 minutes of me trying to play pool, Klaus and Kol, walked over to us two. "Hello ladies." Klaus greeted. "How are you tonight?"

"What do you want Klaus?" Caroline sighed.

"Chill out love, just being friendly." Klaus said, pretending to be hurt.

"Yeah and that usually means you want something." Caroline whined. Yeah, she totally likes him.

"You know me so well. Caroline will you please sit at the bar with me?" He asked with pleading eyes.

Caroline just huffed and walked past him to the bar. Klaus laughed and followed her, leaving me alone with Kol.

"Looks like it's just you and me, Darling. What's your name Sweetheart?" Kol smirked.

"Y/N, not Sweetheart. Pleased to meet you." I smiled, sticking my hand out.

He took it and kissed the back of it. "Pleasures all mine love." He winked, letting himself linger on the word 'pleasure'. "Fancy a game?" He said referring to the pool table.

I bit my lip and nodded. "I'm really bad though."

He smirked. "Well I'm sure one could teach you."

"Can't wait." I shot him a flirtatious smile. Kol set up, downing his drink before breaking.

"Your turn, Love." He purred. That accent was almost too much.

Brushing past him, my arm touch his. Electricity sparked through out my body. Jeez, how could one guy make my whole body spark like that?

Deciding I wanted to feel more of the electricity, I bent down and aimed the cue. Purposefully going for a bad shot, might I add. 

Suddenly, I felt something press down on my body. Turning my head slightly, I saw that Kol was bent over me, helping me position the cue. I giggled and turned back to the ball.

With Kol's help, I hit the ball and it rolled into the pocket. I stood up and clapped my hands with excitement. Kol chuckled and went to hit a ball. I couldn't help look at his handsome and well structured face. He looked dark and mysterious. Boys like this were trouble but they were the best kind of trouble.

"Staring is rude, Love. Didn't your mother ever teach you that?" He smirked, not looking up from the table.

"Well I could say the same for you since you've been watching me all night." I say in a matter-of-fact tone.

The next thing I knew, I was sat on the pool table, Kol stood in between my legs, cupping my chin. Stupid vamp speed. "Well maybe it's because you intrigue me, Darling..." He said softly. "...Your beauty fascinates me."

Lips met. The kiss was incredible. My hands ran up his chest and into his hair where I pulled slightly, making him moan. He grabbed my hips, making me gasped.

Seeing his chance, Kol shoved his tongue into my mouth, where we both fought for dominance. He won. A few awkward coughs interrupt you two. I pulled back, seeing that Klaus and Caroline were standing there looking at us both.

Caroline had a shocked expression whilst Klaus was trying not to laugh. "Y/N, stop swapping salvia with Kol!" She said, disguised.

"What? He's not that bad Caroline. You have your Original and I have mine." I smirked, kissing Kol's neck. He growled, kissing my lips again.

"Klaus is not m-my...oh whatever I need a drink." She huffed, walking back to the bar.

I giggled and stood up, slipping your phone number into Kol's butt pocket. "Call me, Darling." I mimicked his accent which made Kol grin.

I heard Klaus say something cocky to his brother as I walked to the bar but Kol just shrugged it off. "She's quite the woman, Brother. I defiantly need more of her."

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