Kai Part 1

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Imagine: You're pregnant with Kai's baby. You both love each other dearly. One day Liv, Kai's sister, goes crazy and kidnaps you. You is also a werewolf.

"Kai!" I yelled from the top of the stairs.
"What's up munchkin?"
"I'm too fat to get down the stairs again"
Ever so slightly I could hear Kai chuckle. Then he appeared at the bottom of the stairs with a big grin.

"Babe, you're not fat, you're carrying our child. There's a difference." He reminded me.
"I feel like a whale"
"Doll face, if you're a whale then you're the most beautiful whale in the entire ocean"
"So you are saying I am a whale?!"
"What?! No" he protested, climbing up the stairs. "I didn't mean it like that. I simply meant you're the most beautiful werewolf girl in the entire world".

I blushed, nodding shyly, giving him a kiss on the cheek. Kai helped me down the stairs, allowing me to put some weight on him but he could handle it. Even my werewolf strength didn't help me during pregnancy which was amusing but annoying.

When we finally got down stairs, he gently sat me down on the sofa. "I'm sorry Kai, my pregnancy hormones are going crazy at the moment" I look down apologetically. Kai slumped down next to me, putting his muscular arm around my shoulders and other hand on my big swollen belly.

"Hey, it's alright, I understand. I don't even think I, the powerful and handsome Kai Parker, could carry around a baby inside of me for nine months. You're just amazing sugar" he smiled, reassuringly. I put my hand on top of Kai's, that sat on my belly and pecked his intoxicating lips.

"Thanks babe, I love you" I said softly, resting my head on his shoulder. My eyes closed and as I was falling asleep, the last thing I heard was Kai whispering "I love you" back.


Kai's POV

I watched in owe as my beautiful girlfriend,
Y/N slept on the couch. She looked so peaceful and happy when she slept, like nothing was bothering her. No drama, no supernatural, no nothing, just happy quietness.

I didn't know how I got this lucky. My past was well...unpleasant to say the least but somehow it flipped and I got a gorgeous girl who was now pregnant with my child, about to give birth any day now. I'd never thought this would happen to me.

Emotions started flooding back to me when I merged with Luke. It was awful at first. The only emotions I felt was guilt, remorse and regret but as time went on, surprisingly, people forgave me. Then I met Y/N and I was overwhelmed with love and passion.

I stopped my rebellious and sociopathic ways, and became focused on my main goal; Y/N. Our relationship bloomed instantly. You could say it was love at first sight. She brought me back down to sanity, showing me a new way of perspective. And thats how our beautiful 2 year relationship began.

Your POV

My eyes slowly flickered open. I found that I was laying on the sofa with a blanket over me. Kai probably did this, he's such a sweetie. From the kitchen I could hear my handsome boyfriend singing along to the radio, listening to his favourite band, Green Day.

I quietly made my way to the kitchen doorway, leaning against it as I watched Kai dance around the kitchen, using a wooden spoon as a microphone. His voice was good but a little out of tune which made me giggle.

Kai must've hear me giggle because he turned around and saw me. He smirked but carried on singing but this time to me. This only made me smile even more. He was such a dork but I loved him. It was the little things in our lives that made me happy.

When Kai had finished the song, I clapped and cheered. He dramatically bowed. I was about to say something it I was cut off my a little push in my stomach. I gasped and put a hand onto my enlarged belly.

"What's wrong? Is the baby ok?" Kai asked in panic. I smiled up at him. "It appears our baby loves Daddy's singing" I chucked. Kai's eyes sparkled with excitement and love. He came over to me and kneeled down in front of my belly.

"Hey little buddy, it's daddy. Guess you liked my singing huh?" The baby replied with another strong kick. "Did you see that babe? The baby answered me!" Kai grinned. I laughed at how cute he was being. "Me and mommy love you very much and we can't wait to meet you. Now if you'll hurry up and get out so me and mommy could have some fun time" Kai smirked.

"Kai!" I playfully slapped him on the shoulder.
"I was kidding babe" Kai laughed and got back up on his feet. "I'm going for a shower while you cook dinner ok?" I told my boyfriend. He nodded and turned to the stove. I strolled off to take a shower.


After my shower, I dried off and got changed into a pregnancy dress. I waddled to the stairs, somehow managing to get down. Voices came from inside the living room so I hobbled along to the room. "Hey Kai honey, what's-?" Before I even finished, my eyes were met with Kai pinned up against the wall by none other than his sister, Liv, using her magic.

"Y/N, get back!" Kai warned me. I couldn't move. Why was Liv doing this? I mean sure, Kai murdered her, well their, family and most importantly her beloved twin brother Luke but that was the past. Kai had changed. I made sure if it. My belly wouldn't be the size of boulder if he wasn't.

"Ah, so this is the lovely Y/N, you've knocked up. She is quite beautiful dog I have to admit." Liv cackled, the same murderous look in her eyes that Kai used to have. It was like all the insanity that left Kai, now flourished in her.
"So Y/N, how's it feel to have a little sociopath inside of you?" She giggled evilly. So evilly in fact that it made me shudder.

"That 'little sociopath' is our child. Kai stopped his madness a long time ago Liv. Why are you doing this?" I questioned, holding my belly protectively. "Hmm, let's see. Well one because he murdered my family and two he killed Luke. That's why bitch."

"Kai had paid for his crimes. Whatever you're about to do, don't. You'll regret it" my voice rose, becoming more confident, feeling my eyes glow werewolf yellow. Liv looked down at the floor, processing my words. I glanced at Kai who was already watching me with what seemed like fear.

"Y'know, you're right Y/N" Liv announced.
"I am?" I chocked out in confusion.
"Yeah. Kai has paid for his crimes but he hasn't paid for it enough in my eyes."
My heart beat increased. I tried to calm down for the baby.

"Please sister, please don't hurt Y/N or my child. I'm begging you" Kai whimpered out. I'd never seen Kai with so much terror in his gorgeous eyes before. He was always the calm and brave type. "I stopped being your sister the day you murdered our family. Quit your grovelling, it's pathetic. I'm still going to do this" Liv smirked, waving her hand in my direction.

The last thing I heard before darkness consumed me was Kai screaming my name...

Hey guys!

I'm back!! Sorry for not posting. I'm shit I know. I wanted to write this all in one but since I haven't posted in a while, I just wanted to get something out for you. Part 2 of this coming soon, promise! Xxx

Erin 😜❤️🤗

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