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"You love Damon. Damon loves you. Will either one of you tell each other? Nope. And that's what's bloody frustrating love!" Enzo huffed, extremely annoyed.

"You have no proof that he loves me Enzo! And yes I do love him but I'm too shy to tell him because he's so fucking intense that I make myself look like a complete idiot in front of him!" I hiss back.

We were inside the Salvatore Boarding House waiting for Damon to return home from wherever the hell he was. Probably at the grill with Alaric. Enzo, my best friend, knew I loved Damon and he wanted the best for me like any good friend would.

"I know you're bloody shy love but so what? You're pretty and intelligent and awesome! So if Damon can't see that then he's an idiot!" Enzo rambled on.

I giggled and thanked him. Then, he clicked his fingers like he had an idea. "Right I've just had the most brilliant idea ever! I'll call Caroline and get her to give you a make over. Then when Damon gets back, we'll sit here and make him so jealous that he'll have to profess his love for you." He told me.

"One problem, what if he doesn't love me Enzo? How do you even know he does?" I question him with a stern look.

"Trust me gorgeous, I know." He winked and left to call Caroline. I huffed and slumped on the sofa, watching the crackling fire.

15 minutes later and Caroline was here locked and loaded with make up and clothes. "Do I have to?" I whine at them both. They nodded.
"Let's get you all sexy for Damon!" Caroline giggled evilly.

Ten minutes of powder, mascara and eyeliner later, Caroline was finally done, apart from the clothes. 

Enzo dropped his jaw. "What? That bad?" I ask.

He shook his head. "Bloody hell you look gorgeous sweetheart." He said in awe. I blushed and giggled a thank you.

"Right clothes next! Time to make you look like a model." She said, dragging me of to the bathroom. I gave Enzo a worried look and he chuckled at me.

"So I think you'd should go for a look which says; 'hey I'm not a slut but I like to show off'. That would look so good on you!" She squealed in excitement.

"Are you sure he'll like it?" I glance at myself in the mirror when I dressed in the close Care had picked out for me. She nodded.

I was dressed in a black mini skirt with a red V neck. "If he doesn't get a boner then he's defiantly gay." She laughed. I giggled. We walked out back to Enzo who, once again, his jaw was wide open.

"Holy hell you're a bloody miracle worker." He gasped at Care.

"I know." She smiled, saying goodbye and leaving.

"This is going to be one hell of a night." I sigh, grabbing bourbon. Enzo chuckled. An hour later and Damon came home. He didn't take much notice of me at first. He just came and sat down, looking through an old journal.

Enzo nodded at me, to remind me of the plan. I nodded back in understanding. I sat down next to Enzo and began the plan. Damon then took a look at me and nearly died. His eyes went wide and he blushed. He tried to focus on his journal but he couldn't quite concentrate since he kept looking over at me in my mini skirt. I thought it was rather funny.

Right, time to put this plan into action. I sat close to Enzo and placed my hands on his bicep. "Oh my god, Enzo! You're muscles are so big!" I said acting astonished. Enzo smirked. Out the corner of my eye I could see Damon tense.

"Glad you like them cupcake." Enzo chuckled.

"I love them Enzo." I sighed dreamily.

God this was cringy. Enzo could sense my cringe and laughed. Damon stiffened and read his book. I knew this was working. "Hey Enzo, have I ever told you how sexy your accent is?" I giggled, flirtatiously.

"Thanks love." Enzo grinned, placing his hand on my thigh. I giggle again and cuddle into him.

Damon sat up and shuffled about uncomfortably. Every time me and Enzo flirted with each other he tensed and twitched. I placed my hand on Enzo's chest. "Wow your chest is so firm. I can tell you work out a lot." I fake smile, nearly gagging. Damon stared daggers at us both but it didn't stop me.

Then I finally decided to push him over the edge. I slowly lent into Enzo and kissed his cheek. Enzo smirked. Damon finally snapped He shot up, grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the room. Enzo mouthed 'you're welcome' and waved.

Once we were out of the room, Damon pinned me against a wall. "Something wrong Damon?" I asked, suppressing a laugh.

"Yes actually!You're all touchy feely with Enzo and I can't take it! I...I love you Y/N." He finally confessed. "But that doesn't matter because you like Enzo." He sighed. I burst out laughing and kissed him passionately, making him jump back but soon melt into the kiss.

"I don't love Enzo silly. I love you! Me and Enzo were making you jealous so you could admit your feelings." I explain, giggling.

"You sneaky bitch." Damon chuckled and kissed me again. "I love you Y/N."

"Yeah you better do cause Caroline came over and I had a makeover which will scar me for the rest of my life." I giggle.

Damon chuckled and kissed me again. Then, with our vamp hearing we heard Enzo say; "Finally" in the other room. We burst out laughing and made our way upstairs to Damon's room.

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