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It was 9 O' clock at night and I was at the Salvatore boarding house with Damon and Enzo. They're my best friends, however Damon was a little more to me. I loved him. Nobody knew apart from Enzo who just loved to tease me about it.

We were all in the living room in front of the crackling fire, drinking bourbon and getting wasted. "Y/N love, who would you rather date out of me and Damon?" Enzo asked smirking, already knowing the answer.

I glared at him. "I'm not telling you that."

Damon looked unfazed. "Oh come on Darling, loosen up a bit! We're all friends here, to your disappointment." Enzo winked.

"And why would I be disappointed my prick of a friend?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Because me and Damon here are both handsome men, that you're only friends with." He said, showing off his face. Damon smirked.

"Sorry Enzo, I don't go for the arrogant type." I teased, downing my glass of bourbon. "Right, excuse me guys, I gotta use the little girls room." I said getting up.

"Can I come with?" Enzo chuckled.

"Eww gross you perv." I grimaced at him.

Damon laughed lowly, which was hot. I wasn't paying attention and tripped. My hands made contact with the floor before any part of body could. Pain shot through my palm and I slowly lifted it up. There was broken glass on the floor for some reason. I was only human so I didn't heal quickly.

Damon sped to my side and helped me up. "Are you ok?" He panicked.

I nodded and held my hand. "Why the hell is there broken glass on the floor?" I scrunched my eyebrows together. "Me and Enzo had a small argument earlier and he threw a glass at me but cause I'm awesome, I dodge and it smashed against the wall." Damon explained.

"Enzo violent? I wouldn't of took him for the violent type." I joked sarcastically.

Damon flashed a grin. "You know me love, always full of surprises." Enzo chuckled from the sofa. Pain throbbed my hand and I winced. Damon noticed this and bit into his wrist.

"Here Y/N, take some of my blood."

I was unsure at first but when I looked into his baby blue eyes, all the doubt washed away. I didn't know if I wanted to be a vampire yet. Damon wasn't going to snap my neck afterwards so why was I worrying? I placed my lips onto his wrist and sucked on the bitter/sweet red liquid. Damon made a low growl, so quite that I barely heard it.

After a few seconds, my hand had fully healed and I pulled back from Damon. I wiped the remaining blood from my lips and thanked Damon. "It's alright Little Vamp." He smirked and I playfully hit his chest. We laughed and stared longingly at each other for a while.

My phone buzzed which snapped us out of our daze. I read the text. "My brother wants me home. I should get going." I told the guys.

Enzo nodded a goodbye and Damon walked me to the door. "Are you sure you're going to be fine walking home?" He questioned, helping me out my coat on.

"I'm sure. I've been drinking so I'm not driving." I smiled reassuringly. Damon hesitated but nodded in defeat.

He opened the front door for me and I kissed his cheek in appreciation. "G'night Damon." I said in a soft tone.

"Sweet dreams Y/N." He winked and I blushed, walking off. Damon watched me walk down the drive before finally shutting the door.

As I strolled down the street, a pair of strong hands grabbed me. I tried to scream but it was muffled by a hand. "Shh love. It's only Klaus." The owner of the tight grasp said. I managed to break free and back away from him. I knew that him and Damon had some issues. More like Klaus was pissed cause Damon tried to kill him.

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