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Imagine: Kol finds out that you self harm. Trigger warning.

I'm only doing this one to tell self- harmers that, you're not invisible. You are beautiful in every way. You're a warrior of your own mind and you deserve the best in life even if it seems like you don't get it. I'm always here to talk if you need to. I know what it's like so don't be afraid.

"Are you ok Y/N?" Caroline asked me.
"I'm fine" I lied. The same lie I've been telling myself for the past 3 years now. I don't know how things ended up like this. One day I was a happy go lucky girl, who smiled and laughed everyday. I mean, I do now but it's different. My smiles, my laughs, my happiness are all fake.

Everything about me now is fake. Well, except the dark hole inside of me that's called depression. The monster in which clings onto me every day, of every hour, of every minute, of every second. I can never find a way to kill it. It's just there. Never leaving me, not for a second. Pure never ending torture.

It all started three years ago, when I moved to Mystic Falls. Don't get me wrong, the town was great. I made new friends quickly, got good grades and even found myself the most caring boyfriend in the world, Kol Mikaelson. Everyone said it would never last because of his player reputation but amazingly, it worked out! Me and Kol loved one another deeply. And he would always remind me of it.

However, despite all the good in my life, there was always the bad around the corner. Every time I got home from school, my parents would either be fighting or drinking or smoking drugs. I simply tried to ignore it but I couldn't. At night the arguments would get worse, fuelled by the drink and drugs.

Sometimes on the worst nights, the fight would turn physical. One of them would hit the other, only for the other to hit back. Things would be thrown, doors slammed and my depression worsen. I became scared of loud noises and flinch at random times because of it.

While my parents never hurt me, they certainly hurt themselves. A few times they've put each other in hospital. A few times I would get up in the morning to find one of them passed out or knocked out (I could never tell which one) on the floor.

Nobody knows about any of it. To them I was just a normal teenage girl. Just a girl with no problems, no sadness, no scars, nothing. 'If only they knew' I find myself thinking on a regular basis. But what if they did know? Would they hate me? Be disappointed? Confused maybe? No. They could never know.

"Are you sure? You seem quieter than usual" Care raised her eyebrow suspiciously. Shit! Quick fake a smile! I proceeded to do so. Everyone seemed to calm down and return to normal. 'Jeez, that was too close Y/N' I thought.

Right now, I was in the Mystic Grill with my best friend, Carline Forbes, my handsome British boyfriend, Kol Mikaelson and the Salvatore brothers. It was a Saturday night and we were just having a good time.

We were in one of the booths, drinking and chatting. Kol sat next to me with his arm slung over the back of my chair. He liked to show everyone that I was his. It was cute that he was so protective. He didn't have to be though. Why would a guy come up to me to flirt? I'm ugly, pathetic and not good enough. I still have no idea how I'm with Kol.

I stared at him. He was so handsome. Why was he with me? Most girls my age have pretty faces. I have scars. I fuck everything up. Comparing myself to most girls, I wouldn't choose me. But some how, thee Kol Mikaelson, picked me. The girl that never gets noticed. Some how, he loves me. And I love him.

"You know Darling, staring's rude" Kol lent closer to my ear, whispering so only I could hear. I snapped out of my daze and blushed. "Oh, s-sorry" I stuttered embarrassed.
"It's fine. I know I'm that amazingly handsome that you couldn't help it."
"Sure you are" I rolled my eyes. Kol didn't reply. He just watched me with narrow eyes, like he was trying to figure something out.

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