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I would give you a synopsis of this story but it would ruin the surprise. Too much juiciness to handle.

Warning: Smutty goodness ahead!

Smoothing down my black, tight, cocktail dress (Pic at top), I heard a knock at the door. Quickly checking my make up and pulling up my boobage, I vamp sped to the door. On the other side, lent Enzo on the door frame with a sexy smirk plastered on his handsome face. 

He was dressed in his usual bad boy get up. A white shirt that showed off every muscle on his arms, stomach and chest possible. Black skinny jeans and a black leather jacket. The sight made me weak in the knees. Then his deep voice uttered the line that turned me on so bad.

"Hello gorgeous"
"Hello Enzo" I smiled seductively, allowing him in. I felt his eyes roam all over my body as I shut the door. "Bourbon?" I asked, already knowing the answer. "My two favourite things in this world, you in that dress and a glass of good bourbon" he chuckled.
"Oh Enzo you flirt" I giggle, grabbing the bottle of his favourite bourbon, pouring out two glasses and handing one to him.

Enzo took it from my hands, letting his fingers linger against mine. His eyes lit up with lust as he sipped his drink. The way he licked his lips afterwards made me want to scream. He drove me mad and he knew it. The cocky, British shit.

We emptied our glasses and I took them both, turning so that my back was facing Enzo. As the glasses collided with the tables surface, a pair of strong hands found their way to my waist, slowly but tenderly moving down to my hips. I lent my back into his firm chest, loving his touch.

"Enzo..." I giggled. He growled a response, kissing my bare shoulder, sneaking his intoxicating lips up my neck. I bit my lip and moaned. "Y'know this is wrong" he said lowly.
"I know but it feels so right" I whispered. Suddenly, Enzo backed away from me. I spun around, giving him a confused expression.

"I-I can't do this" he stuttered.
"Why not?" I asked, trying to hide my disappointment. "When we're doing this, do you actually feel something or are you just using me?" He sighed nearly shouting. I had to think about his question for a few moments. Do I feel something? Should I feel something? This 'thing' we had was wrong but oh God it was addictive!

This had only been going on for a few weeks now. However in that short space of time, Enzo had managed to wean his way into my heart. I realised that he was always on my mind even when I wasn't with him. There was no doubt about it, I truly loved the British vamp.

Before I could answer, Enzo interrupted me. "This 'thing' we have love, at the start it was great but as its gone on...I need more! I can't just see you everyday and not kiss you or touch you. I don't want our relationship to be classed as casual because...because I LOVE YOU!" He confessed, pacing around the room frustratedly.

I opened my mouth to speak but Enzo, once again, cut me off. "But you don't care, you just want a good fuck. I just can't do it anymore! I don't even know why I bothered with-"
"I LOVE YOU TOO LORENZO" I yelled, with a giggle. He immediately stop talking. "I've been denying it since, our situation, but I just love everything about you, you stupid, insatiably handsome, British, vampire!" I confessed, words just spewed out of me.

Now it was time for our mouths to shut up and let our bodies talk. We ran at each other, embracing, crashing our lips together. Enzo rested both hands on the small of my back, pulling me in closer to him while my hands caressed the sides of his face. Our lips danced around together like never before. Loving and passionate.

Enzo pulled back slowly, running kisses down my jaw, landing on my neck where he kissed, bit and sucked, driving me wild. "E-Enzo, I n-need you" I begged, the pleasure he was giving me almost made me forget how to speak. I could feel his cocky yet sexy smirk against my neck.

"Good cause I don't think I could resist you anymore in that dress, love" he pushed his hips roughly on mine, making me feel his hard arousal at my lower stomach. "Whoa, have you got a wooden stake in your pocket or are you just happy to see me" I joked. Chuckling, Enzo grabbed onto the back of my thighs, signalling me to jump. I obliged, wrapping my legs around his waist. "I'm always happy to see you gorgeous" he smirked, putting his big hands under my butt to support me.

"You're so cheesy y'know that handsome" I smile. "Yeah but you love it" he grinned.
"Nah I just have a thing for accents" I wink. He laughed, kissing my lips. Somehow, during the kiss, Enzo had carried me to my room. He threw me into the bed, making me bounce.
"Such a gentleman" I scoffed playfully.
"Only for m'lady" he said, hovering over me, in between my legs.

Enzo started sucking and kissing on my neck, trying to leave love bites but since we're both vampires, they heal almost instantly. He still loved to try though. He found my sweet spot, causing me to moan loudly. In response, Enzo, torturously slow, began grinding his lower half on mine.

I bit my lip, hard enough to draw blood. Enzo saw this and licked off the blood. The dark veins under his eyes emerged, now he meant business. "Too much clothing" he grunted, pulling my dress over my head, leaving me in my matching bra and panties. I giggled as his eyes scanned my body.

My fingers tugged at his leather jacket. Enzo yanked it off, doing the same with his shirt afterwards. Damn what a delicious sight his bare chest was. I just wanted to lick his 6 packed stomach all over. "Like what you see love?" Enzo smirked. "Very much so" I said in my best seductive voice.

When we were both fully naked, Enzo locked his dark eyes with mine. "You are so bloody beautiful" he whispered. Our smiles reflected off each other's faces. To let him know I was ready, I pushed my hips against his. Enzo took the hint, lining himself up at my entrance and carefully slid himself in.

"Oh Enzo" I moaned, enjoying the feeling of him inside of me. He groaned, hearing my moans. When I'd adjusted, Enzo moved in a rhythmic pace. At that point both our vamp faces had come out. I moved my head to the side, revealing my neck, motioning for Enzo to bite me.

He didn't waste time. He threw his head forward into my neck, taking a big bite. As Enzo drank, his thrusts became harder and faster, bringing me closer to euphoria. I whimpered and groaned as my climax built up.
Enzo twitched inside of me, letting me know he was extremely close too.

With a few more sloppy thrusts, my orgasm washed over me. I moaned loudly, panting Enzo's name. My orgasm seemed to of triggered his beside as soon as I came down from my high, he retracted his fangs from my neck and released his hot cum inside me, riding it out using his vamp speed.

After a few moments, Enzo pulled out of me, laying on his back next to me. All that could be heard was rapid heartbeats and fast paced breaths trying to return back to normal. Then
I realised, me and Enzo didn't just fuck like always, we made love. Sweet, caring, passionate love. It was amazing.

"Fuck I love you gorgeous" he grinned.
"I love you more handsome" I giggled. Enzo got up, putting his clothes back on. As he was zipping his fly up, I pouted. "I defiantly prefer naked Enzo" I laughed. He smirked but his face soon became serious.

"I better go before the situation comes back" he frowned, standing over the bed. I got up, not caring that I was still naked and wrapped my arms around his neck. "I don't love him. I love you" I pecked his soft intoxicating lips. Enzo smiled slightly. "And I love you. I'll see you soon gorgeous" he winked, kissing my forehead before whooshing off.

I quickly, cleaned up my scattered clothes on the floor and changed into my pyjamas before jumping back into bed, pretending to be asleep. I heard the bedroom door open and in walked in the situation. My boyfriend, Damon Salvatore. He changed into his pyjamas and climbed into bed next to me. He wrapped his arm around my waist. "Oh, hi Damon" I pretended like I just woke up.

"Hey Baby Girl. Hope you didn't miss me too much" he chucked. Guilt panged around my body. "Not at all. Now I'm sleepy so let me go back to sleep" I fake smile. He nodded, pecking my lips and laid back down in the bed, falling asleep as well. Fucking my boyfriends best friend was one thing. Falling in love with him was another, it was bitter/sweet.

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