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"Matt I'm finishing now!" I told him from behind the bar.

"Ok Y/N, see you later." He waved me off and I smiled goodbye.

I had work at the Grill for a few months now and I'd made some really great friends. Damon and Enzo to be exact. They always came in for whiskey or a bourbon.

I grabbed my bag and leather jacket before walking out of the Grill. The cold air washed over me and you tightened my leather jacket around me. 'Damn work shorts and shirt.'

As I walked down the street, I heard someone groan in an ally. Looking over, I saw a man sprawled out over the cold pavement with blood on his shirt. Being the caring person I am,  I ran over to him and knelt down beside him.

"Sir, are you ok? Do you need an ambulance?" I asked, looking at the blood. 'Strange, there's no wound...where did all the blood come from then?'

Suddenly the man grabbed me and pinned me against the wall. "I'm fine pretty lady. Y'see, all this blood isn't mine. It's from some dumb bitch I drank earlier today. But right now the only dumb bitch here is you." He smirked evilly.

"Oh great a vampire, and I thought my day couldn't get any better." I sighed so done with shit.

The vampire blared his fangs and black eyes before sinking his fangs into my neck. I screamed, hoping someone would hear and tried to fight him off but he held me firmly in place.

"Get off me you ugly ass bloodsucker." I kicked his man parts and he stumbled back.

"You're going to regret that missy." He snarled.

"Whatever arsehole." I hissed, holding my neck to stop the blood oozing out. The vampire lunged at me but stopped mid way.

I heard a squelchy sound and the vampire fell to the ground. I gasped and looked up to see a very handsome man with his arm up, holding a heart in his bloody hand. He dropped the heart and wiped the blood off using the now dead vampires shirt.

"Savage bastard." He muttered at the corpse. His gorgeous dark eyes flickered to meet mine. "Hello Darling, I'm Kol. Did this pathetic excuse of a vampire hurt you?" He asked with a concerned look. He already knew the answer because I'm guessing be could smell the blood dripping from my neck. I stepped back, afraid that he'll bite me too.

"Let me guess, you're a vampire too? So what's your plan? Kill the vampire that was hurting me and drain me yourself?" I scowl at him.

He chuckled. "You should be more grateful to me darling. I did just save you y'know."

'He has a hot smirk.' NO! Bad brain! Don't think that!

"Thanks for saving me Kol, but that doesn't mean I trust you." I sassed. "Why did you save me anyway?"

"I like pretty little things with sharp tongues and the way you were speaking to that disgraceful vampire interested me." He chuckled.

"Thanks anyway Kol." I said, smiling with a blush. Damn my weakness for accents.

"Anything for a gorgeous girl like you." He winked.

Suddenly, I faint from blood loss and started to collapse on the floor. However before I impacted with the ground, a pair of strong arms caught me from behind. Kol sat behind me as I rested my  back onto his hard chest.

"Whoa there love, you need to heal. Take some of my blood." He offered biting into his wrist. His vamp face was extremely sexy. He held his wrist to my face and I gently placed your mouth on him and sucked his bitter/sweet blood.

I moaned as I felt yourself become stronger. Kol smirked and tightens his hold on me. He found you extremely beautiful and he felt something he'd never felt towards any other girl. Love. Even though he had only known you for a short space of time he knew you were the one for him.

When my wounds had healed, I unattached my mouth from Kol and sank into his embrace. My head rested in the crook of his neck. He chuckled and pressed his cheek against my head. "Feel better love?" He asked.

"Much better, thank you Kol." I smiled. Kol planted a kiss on my forehead and stood up.

He held out his hand for you to take. I bit my lip and took it. I stood up and straightened my clothes. "Mind if I walk you back, Darling? Don't want you getting hurt." He said with his sexy British accent. I nodded and he held his arm out for me. I smiled and hooked my arm though his.

As we were walking, Kol talked, flirted and used his cheesy pick up lines. Some of them were just awful but I just giggled. I really enjoyed Kol's company and he enjoyed mine.
Ever so slowly, we both held hands. Kol smirked making me blush.

When I arrived at my house, Kol walked me to my door. I kissed his cheek and said goodnight to him. Just as I was about to enter, Kol grabbed my wrist and spun me around so I was pressed onto his chest. He wrapped his muscular arms around my waist and crashed his lips onto mine.

The kiss was full of fiery passion and lust. His lips were so soft and plump and tasted like heaven. My hands slid into his hair and tugged slightly, causing him to moan. I smirked and pulled back. Kol stared into my eyes and caressed my cheek. He gave me one last kiss before whispering goodnight and vamp speed away, leaving me breathless in the doorway with a big smile on my face.

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