Damon Part. 1

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(Human Damon and You in 1864)

Your POV.

I strolled around the gardens happily with mine and my husband, Damon's, 2 year old son, Ethan. I smiled at him as he chased the colourful butterflies. He looked so much like his father. Damon was away at war because his father made him go.

"Ethan darling, be careful now. I don't want you getting dirty!" I called softy to him.

"Yes Mother." He giggled back, his icy blue eyes lit up the same way his fathers did when he laughed. I gracefully sat down on a stone bench, enjoying the warmth of the sun.

After a while, Stefan, Damon's younger brother strolled out and came over to me. He had a white envelope in his hand. "Good morning Mrs. Y/N." He said politely.

"Stefan how many time have I told you to call me just Y/N? We're family now." I smile sweetly.

Stefan chuckled. "My apologies Y/N. A letter from Damon has arrived for you." He grinned, handing me the letter.

Tears filled my eyes. I hadn't seen my husband in weeks. I handled the letter and smiled at Stefan. He gave me a reassuring look. "If you'll excuse me Y/N. I have some business I have to attend to." He said, getting up.

"This business wouldn't happen to be Miss Pierce, would it?" I giggled. Stefan chuckled and left.

I looked down at the letter, letting out a shaky breath. Would it say that he was hurt? Or worse; Dead? I blocked the nasty thoughts out of my mind and slowly opened the letter. The paper was slightly creased but I didn't care. The letter read:

My Dear Beautiful Wife Y/N,

I've been away from you and our son Ethan for a few weeks now, and I have to say; it's the utter most painful thing I've had to do. I miss waking up to your beautiful face in the morning. I hate not being able to feel you delicate skin under my fingertips. My lips long to be on yours. I miss holding you in my arms.
I miss seeing little Ethan chase the butterflies outside every morning and hearing you giggle. I do hope that my boy is growing fast. Give him a big hug for me. I shall see you soon, my dear.

Love your adoring husband,

A tear slipped down my cheek as I held the letter to my chest. I closed my eyes, trying to imagine Damon here beside me. I'd be in his muscular arms, happy.

"What's wrong Mother?" A voice snapped me out from my daze. I opened my eyes to find Ethan in front of me. Or a mini Damon as I like to think.

I pulled him into my lap and he sat with his back to my chest. I showed him the letter. "Papa write Mother a letter sweetie. He said he misses us so much and he'll be home soon." I smiled.

Ethan grinned. "Yay! Daddy! I miss him so much" My heart warmed and I gave him the biggest hug ever, just like Damon asked.


At supper, a few hour later, me, Ethan, Stefan and Giuseppe (Salvatore Daddy), sat round the table eating a lovely meal prepared for us by the cooks. "So how was everyone's day?" Giuseppe asked.

"I received a letter from Damon, saying he was returning home soon" I announced.

Giuseppe nodded, not really that interested. He and Damon didn't get along very well. "Stefan?" He grunted.

"I gave Miss Pierce the tour of the house, since she'll be staying here." He smiled, putting food into his mouth.

"It appears our dear Stefan has taken a liking to Miss Pierce." I chuckled.

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